Article V

Director of Finance


Section V-1: Appointment and term

The Director of Finance shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of all members of Council. The Director of Finance may be removed from office by the Mayor, but such removal shall not take place without the concurrence of a majority of all the members of Council,

Any vacancy in said office shall be filled by the same procedure.
(Amended 11-4-86)

Section V-2: Qualifications

The Director of Finance shall not hold any other public position or office, except as otherwise provided in this Charter or by ordinance enacted thereunder, and that of notary public or membership in the State Militia or reserve corps of the United States.
(Amended 11-8-66)

Section V-3: Duties

The Director of Finance shall be the head of the Department of Finance and the fiscal officer of the Municipality, and shall:

  1. (a) Keep the financial accounts of the Municipality, including taxes and assessments, monies due to, and all receipts and disbursements by the Municipality.

  2. (b) Be the custodian of all monies of the Municipality and shall perform the functions of the Treasurer of the Municipality.

  3. (c) Assist the Mayor and Council in the preparation of estimates, budgets and appropriations and shall keep the Mayor and Council informed as to the financial condition of the Municipality from time to time as Council or the Mayor may request.

  4. (d) Examine all payrolls, bills and other claims against the Municipality, and shall issue no warrant unless the claim is found to be in proper form, correctly computed, duly approved and that it is due and payable and that an appropriation has been made therefor.

  5. (e) Be the Clerk of Council and in that capacity shall keep a record of all proceedings of Council and shall authenticate all records, documents and instruments of the Municipality on which authentication is necessary.

  6. (f) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by Council not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter.
    (Amended 11-8-66)

Section V-4: Assistant director of finance and employees in department of finance

(Editor’s note: Article V, Section 4. Assistant Director of Finance and Employees in Department of Finance was repealed by the voters 11-2-76.)