Chapter 1121
Conservation District
- 1121.01 Intent
- 1121.02 Permitted uses
- 1121.03 Area, yard and height regulations
- 1121.04 Development standards
- 1121.05 Sign regulations
1121.01 Intent
In addition to the applicable provisions of the intent stated in Section 1105.03, the Conservation District shall be applied only to publicly owned land and is established for the following objectives:
(a) To preserve and protect the values of distinctive geologic, topographic, botanic, historic or scenic areas;
(b) To preserve and protect wildlife habitats;
(c) To conserve natural resources and protect the ecological balance of an area; and
(d) To provide opportunities for environmental education and outdoor recreation that are compatible with the other objectives of the District.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1121.02 Permitted uses
In a Conservation District, buildings and land shall be used by right for only the main and accessory uses set forth below.
(a) Main Uses.
(1) Forestry.
(2) Hiking trails, boardwalks, and footpaths.
(3) Forest preserves, wildlife habitats, fishing, and fish breeding habitats.
(4) Observation stations and interpretive displays.
(5) Shelters or storage areas.
(b) Accessory Uses.
(1) Off-street parking areas, driveways and walkways.
(2) Sanitation facilities completely enclosed within a permitted main building or structure, or suitably and attractively screened from view where such screening is in conformance with Section 1142.07 of the Planning and Zoning Code
(3) Lighting structures as regulated in Chapter 1150 of this Planning and Zoning Code and flagpoles.
(4) Fences, walls and hedges as regulated in Chapter 1148.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1121.03 Area, yard and height regulations
In the Conservation District, land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with area, yard and height regulations authorized by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Such authorization shall be based on a site plan as required in Section 1109.04 and the following:
(a) The objectives of Section 1121.01;
(b) The Development Standards set forth in Section 1121.04; and
(c) Recommendations from the Administrator, Municipal Engineer and other Municipal officers as applicable.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1121.04 Development standards
In the Conservation District, land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following standards:
(a) The preservation and appropriate management of all timber shall be encouraged.
(b) The preservation and appropriate management of wildlife and wildlife habitats shall be encouraged.
(c) The planting of trees, shrubs and aids for the protection of wildlife and for erosion control shall be encouraged, and when undertaken, shall be in accordance with an approved development plan.
(d) Buildings or structures shall be situated as to:
(1) Leave scenic views or vistas into and out from the development area unblocked or uninterrupted, where, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission those views or vistas are prominent or locally significant.
(2) Prevent the threat of pollution of waterways with sewage, trash, soil or other pollutants.
(3) Complement the topography of the land in order to utilize natural contours, economize in the construction of utilities, reduce required grading, and maximize the conservation of trees, watercourses, and other natural features.
(e) When necessary, public access will be restricted.
(f) Any utility lines serving the district shall be located underground.
(g) Driveways, parking areas, illumination of parking areas and pedestrian circulation systems shall be constructed in accordance with the objectives of this chapter and the plans for such construction shall be reviewed and subject to approval by the Municipal Engineer.
(h) More than one (1) main building may be grouped on a lot provided that such grouping shall comply with the requirements of this District.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1121.05 Sign regulations
Incidental signs shall be permitted. The number, size and placement of such
signs shall be the minimum necessary as approved by the Administrator.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)