Chapter 1131

Residential Districts


Cross references

  • Off-street parking - see P. & Z. 1141.05
  • Signs permitted - see P.& Z. 1143.07
  • Satellite dish antennas - see BLDG. 1350.11

1131.01   Intent

In addition to the applicable provisions of the intent stated in Section 1105.03, it is the intent of these district regulations to promote the development of appropriately located housing for persons of retirement age and to provide in such locations dining, recreation and health center facilities for the comfort and convenience of such persons.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1131.02   Permitted uses

In a Retirement Living District, buildings and land shall be used by right for only the main and accessory uses set forth below.

  1. (a) Main Uses.

    1. (1) Attached single-family (ASF) dwellings

    2. (2) Retirement Living Center (RLC) building, consisting of residential units with full dining service and other support services provided within the building.

  2. (b) Accessory Uses.

    1. (1) Health centers and recreation facilities primarily for the use of residents of the Retirement Living District.

    2. (2) Dining facilities for residents of the district and their guests.

    3. (3) Garages and parking areas, roads and walkways.

    4. (4) Utility, maintenance, sanitation and storage facilities completely enclosed within separate buildings or otherwise permitted buildings, except that maintenance and repair of trucks, tractors, automobiles and similar vehicles shall not be permitted within residential buildings.

    5. (5) Landscape features, private gardens, fences, walls and hedges as regulated in Chapters 1142 and 1148.

    6. (6) Rooftop mechanical equipment necessary for the normal operation of the development.

    7. (7) Signs, as regulated in Chapter 1143.

    8. (8) Home occupations, as regulated in Section 1125.05.
      (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1131.03   Area regulations

In a Retirement Living District, more than one (1) main building may be grouped on a lot provided that such grouping shall comply with the requirements of this District. Land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following area regulations.

  1. (a) Areas.

    1. (1) Development Area: 15 acres minimum.

    2. (2) Lot Area: 3 acres minimum.

  2. (b) Density:

    • RLC: 20 dwelling units per acre maximum.

    • ASF: 10 dwelling units per acre maximum.

  3. (c) Lot Width at Building Line: 200 feet minimum.

  4. (d) Lot Width at Street Line: 60 feet minimum at each vehicular entrance and along the length of each vehicular access through a yard.

  5. (e) Building Coverage (all main and accessory buildings): 30% maximum.

  6. (f) Common Open Space: 500 square feet of lot area, minimum, per dwelling unit as defined and regulated in Section 1131.07(f).

  7. (g) Dwelling Unit Area:

    • RLC: 300 square feet minimum for an efficiency unit, 750 square feet minimum for a one-bedroom unit and 150 square feet for each additional bedroom.

    • ASF: 1,000 square feet minimum for a one-bedroom unit and 150 square feet for each additional bedroom.

  8. (h) Storage Area: 60 square feet minimum provided on the ground floor or basement level of each dwelling unit in addition to the dwelling unit area.
    (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1131.04   Height regulations

In a Retirement Living District, structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following height regulations.

  1. (a) Main Buildings. 35 feet or less, maximum

  2. (b) Accessory Structures. 12 feet maximum for private parking garages; 20 feet maximum for repair and storage garages; 35 feet maximum for buildings housing health, recreation and dining facilities.

  3. (c) Exceptions to Height Limits. Rooftop mechanical equipment as permitted in Section 1131.02(b)(6) may extend a maximum of ten feet above the highest point of the building on which it is located, provided such equipment conforms to Section 1131.07(h). With the exception of chimneys and antennas on attached single- family dwellings, such equipment shall be set back from any building face a distance at least equal to the height by which it exceeds the building height.
    (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1131.05   Yard and setback regulations

In a Retirement Living District, land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following yard and setback regulations. Landscape features, gardens, fences, walls and signs shall be permitted in setback areas, provided that such uses conform to applicable regulations of this Planning and Zoning Code. Other accessory uses are permitted in setbacks only in accordance with the setback regulations of subsection (b) hereof.

  1. (a) Yards. The minimum setback from a lot line to a main building shall be as set forth below.

    Minimum Setback (Feet)

    Number of Stories In Main Building To Street R.O.W. To R1 District Line To Other Lot Line
    1 35 35 15
    2 35 45 25
    3 35 55 35
  2. (b) Setbacks. The minimum setback from a lot line to an accessory structure or use shall be as set forth in the following table:

    Minimum Setback (feet)

    Accessory Uses To Front Lot Line To R1 District Line To Other Lot Line
    Buildings and Structures * 35 15
    Surface parking area * 10 5
    Private Roads * 10 5
    Recreation Facilities * 30 10
    Walkways 0 5 5

    * Not permitted in front yards, except that private roads are permitted only as necessary in providing access to a public right of way.

  3. (c) Projection of Building Features into Setbacks.

    1. (1) Certain architectural features may project from a main building into any setback a maximum distance of three feet. However, no such feature shall extend to within three feet of a side lot line or into a setback any distance greater than a setback line that has been established by a variance. For purposes of this subsection, architectural features shall include awnings, balconies, bay windows, belt courses, canopies, cornices, projecting eaves and other overhangs.

    2. (2) Entrance features not exceeding forty-eight (48) square feet may project from a main building into a setback a maximum distance of six feet provided that no projection shall extend into a setback any distance greater than a setback line that has been established by a variance. Entrance features shall include steps, landings, platforms and unenclosed porches not extending above the first floor.

    3. (3) Structures such as porches, balconies, platforms, decks, patios, and similar architectural projections that exceed forty-eight (48) square feet shall meet the setback requirements of the main building.
      (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1131.06   Distances between buildings and uses

In a Retirement Living District, land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following regulations regarding the required distances between buildings and other uses.

  1. (a) Definitions and Measurement Standards. The following definitions and measurement standards shall apply to terms used in this section.

    1. (1) Main wall. Any exterior wall(s) of a residential building containing the principal windows of a living, dining or sleeping room or rooms.

    2. (2) Secondary wall. Any exterior wall(s) of a residential building, other than a main wall, containing minor windows of a dining or sleeping room, principal or minor windows of a kitchen or bathroom, or no windows.

    3. (3) Overlapping walls. A wall of one building shall be considered as overlapping a wall of a second building when perpendicular lines extended from that wall intersect the second wall.

    4. (4) Length of overlap. The “length of overlap” shall be considered as the length of the portion of one wall from which perpendicular lines will intersect a second wall. In determining the length of overlap, the minimum possible overlap shall be used for computation.

    5. (5) Facing walls. Although more than one set of walls may be “overlapping” in the relationship between two buildings, only one set of two walls shall be considered “facing”. Facing walls shall be those two overlapping walls for which the length of overlap is the greater.

  2. (b) Schedule of Distances. The minimum distance between walls of main buildings and other walls or uses shall be as set forth in the following schedule:

    Building Wall Other Wall or Use Minimum Distance (feet)
    Main wall, facing: Another main wall 40+x
      Secondary wall 30+x
      Accessory building 30
      Recreation facility 30
      Private road* 30
      Surface parking area 10
    Secondary wall, facing: Another secondary wall 25+x
      Accessory building 20
      Recreation facility 20
      Private road* 20
      Surface parking area 10
    Accessory building, facing: Another accessory building 15
      Private road* 10

    x = length of overlap divided by 5.

    * “private road” excludes a drive providing direct access to a Retirement Living Center building.
    (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1131.07   Design regulations and standards

In a Retirement Living District, land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following design regulations and standards.

  1. (a) Building Design. Retirement Living Center. The maximum length of any main or accessory building wall shall be 100 feet. However, building length may extend a maximum of 200 feet, provided that walls are offset or aligned at angles as approved by the Architectural Board of Review.

  2. (b) Building Design: Attached Single-Family. In order to enhance privacy and to reduce the apparent mass of the buildings, the alignment of attached single family buildings should be varied and the facades of not more than every two dwelling units shall be offset by at least sixteen inches. No more than eight units shall be located in one building.

  3. (c) Building Design: General. To reduce the apparent mass of the building’s variations in such building elements as facade, width, color, exterior materials, and roof lines shall be deemed desirable. Parallel arrangements of buildings should be avoided. However, uniformity in design is not expressly prohibited.

  4. (d) Site Design. Retirement Living residential developments shall be designed to complement the topography of the land in order to utilize natural contours, economize in the construction of utilities, reduce required grading and maximize the conservation of trees, watercourses and other natural features. Natural features and other distinctive characteristics of the site shall be integrated into the plan to create functional variations in the arrangements of buildings, open spaces and accessory uses.

  5. (e) Modifications to Area, Yard and Setback Requirements. With respect to properties of irregular shape, or unusual topography the Planning and Zoning Commission may modify requirements regarding areas, yards, setbacks and distances between uses if compliance with these requirements is either clearly infeasible or contrary to compliance with the design regulations and standards of this section. However, the maximum permitted density shall not be increased by reason of this provision. Applicants shall first seek modifications permitted under this section prior to filing an application as set forth in Section 1111.03 for a variance for areas, yards, setbacks and distances between uses.

  6. (f) Common Open Space. As required in Section 1131.03(f), at least 500 square feet of land per dwelling unit shall be reserved as common open space in Retirement Living Districts.

    1. (1) Required characteristics. Land designated as common open space under the provisions of this section shall conform to the characteristics described below.

      1. (A) Common open space shall consist of land or a combination of land or water of such condition, size and shape as to be usable for active recreation and/or scenic enjoyment as appropriate to the site, the surrounding area, and the expected resident population. Such area shall contain no structures other than those related to recreational use and shall not include roads or parking areas.

      2. (B) Setback areas shall be excluded in the computation of common open space.

      3. (C) Consideration shall be given to the arrangement and location of common open space to take advantage of physical characteristics of the site and to place common open space within easy access and view of dwelling units. Common open space shall not be separated from the development by existing roads.

      4. (D) Common open space shall not be depleted, reduced in size or converted to any other use.

    2. (2) Ownership and maintenance.

      1. (A) The applicant shall submit copies of the proposed documents which provide for the permanent preservation of open space at the time of application for development. No application shall be approved until such documents are acceptable to the Municipality and the Law Director in form and content.

      2. (B) Such common open space, including any recreational facilities proposed to be constructed in such space, shall be clearly delineated on the site plan together with descriptive data as to the methods to be employed to preserve and maintain such open space.

      3. (C) In the event the open space is owned in common by more than one owner directly or indirectly, a non-profit association shall be incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio and such association shall be the owner in unencumbered fee simple title.

      4. (D) All common open space shown on the site plan must be subject to legally enforceable declarations and restrictions. Such declarations and restrictions shall grant enforcement rights to the Municipality as a third- party beneficiary, and shall be reviewed by and must obtain approval of the Law Director before final approval for development will be granted., The declarations and restrictions shall grant enforcement rights to the Municipality as a third-party beneficiary, and shall be reviewed by and must obtain the approval of the Law Director before final approval for development will be granted.

  7. (g) Pedestrian Circulation. Each Retirement Living residential development shall be served by a comprehensive walkway system adequately separated from vehicular circulation, connecting residential buildings, parking areas, recreation areas and health center buildings.

  8. (h) Utility Equipment. All utility lines serving a Retirement Living residential development shall be located underground. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be enclosed in a manner which complements the architectural style of the building on which it is located.
    (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1131.08   Off-street parking regulations

In addition to the applicable regulations of Chapter 1141, the following parking regulations shall apply to attached single-family developments in a Retirement Living District.

  1. (a) Common Parking Areas. In attached single-family developments, a minimum of one-half (0.5) off-street parking space per dwelling unit shall be provided in unenclosed common parking areas distributed throughout the developments in a manner providing convenient access to all dwelling units. This requirement shall be in addition to the parking requirements of Chapter 1141.

  2. (b) Garages. In attached single-family developments, each garage shall be provided for the exclusive use of a single dwelling unit and shall be attached to the residential structure which contains that unit. Such garages may be attached to one another at side walls in order to improve design.

  3. (c) Prohibited Activity. The rebuilding, overhauling or dismantling of an automotive vehicle or the storage of motor or body parts in an open yard is prohibited. The outside parking and storage of recreational vehicles is prohibited.
    (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1131.09   Supplemental regulations

For regulations regarding off-street parking and loading, landscaping, lighting, signs and environmental performance, refer to Chapters 1141 - 1150 of the Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)