Chapter 1135

Office District


Cross references

  • Off-street parking - see P. & Z. 1141.05
  • Signs permitted - see P. & Z. 1143.06

1135.01   Intent

In addition to the provisions of the intent stated in Section 1105.03, it is the intent of these district regulations to promote office development appropriately designed and located to achieve, among others, the following objectives:

  1. (a) To provide opportunities for local employment;

  2. (b) To stimulate the local economy and to generate local tax revenues; and

  3. (c) To limit retail sales and retail services so as to prevent a decline of such uses in the Municipal center where they are more appropriately located.

  4. (d) To permit development, which by virtue of its characteristic traffic generation, hours of operation and noise levels, may serve as an appropriate transitional use between residential areas and nearby retail or industrial areas.
    (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1135.02   Permitted uses

In an Office District, more than one (1) main building may be grouped on a lot provided that such grouping shall comply with the requirements of this District. Buildings and land shall be used by right for only the main and accessory uses set forth below.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

  1. (a) Main Uses.

    1. (1) Office Buildings.

      1. (A) Office buildings, accommodating accounting, administrative, business, executive, governmental, insurance, investment, professional, public or quasi-public, real estate or travel agency establishments.

      2. (B) Retail sales or retail services may occupy thirty percent (30%) or less of the total square feet of a multi-tenant office building. Access to such retail use shall be through the primary means of ingress and egress to and from the principal building.

    2. (2) Medical offices. Medical office buildings and outpatient clinics.

    3. (3) Veterinary clinics. Veterinary clinics conducted within completely enclosed buildings sufficiently sound-insulated to confine all noise to the premises.

    4. (4) Public buildings. Village hall, police and fire stations, post offices, libraries and other public facilities providing frequently used services.

    5. (5) Non-profit organizations. Clubs, lodges, fraternal and service organizations, museums and similar facilities; retail sales shall be permitted if customary and incidental to the organization’s non-profit activities.

    6. (6) Funeral homes.

    7. (7) Fitness Centers.

    8. (8) Utility stations. Telephone exchanges, cable television and other communication services and similar utility switching or conversion facilities provided that such use does not involve unenclosed storage, truck or equipment storage or repair or the housing of work crews. For landscaping regulations of utility uses, see Section 1142.07.

    9. (9) Similar uses. As regulated in Chapter 1113.

  2. (b) Accessory Uses.

    1. (1) Off-street parking and loading areas, driveways and walkways.

    2. (2) Landscape features, fences, walls and hedges as regulated in Chapters 1142 and 1148.

    3. (3) Utility, maintenance, sanitation and storage facilities completely enclosed within otherwise permitted main buildings.

    4. (4) Rooftop mechanical equipment necessary for the normal operation of a permitted use.

    5. (5) Signs, as regulated in Chapter 1143.

    6. (6) Lighting structures as regulated in Chapter 1150 of this Planning and Zoning Code, and flag poles.

    7. (7) Sale of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, provided that such use is completely enclosed within a permitted medical office building or clinic and further provided that such use occupies no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the first-floor area.
      (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1135.03   Height regulations

In an Office District, land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following height regulations.

  1. (a) Main Buildings: 40 feet maximum.

  2. (b) Accessory Structures: 15 feet maximum for accessory structures.

  3. (c) Exceptions to Height Limitations: Rooftop mechanical equipment as permitted under Section 1135.02(b)(4) may extend a maximum of ten feet above the highest point of the building on which it is located, provided that such equipment is set back from any building face a distance at least equal to the height by which it exceeds the building height.
    (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1135.04   Yard and setback regulations

In an Office District, land and structures shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following yard and setback regulations. Landscape features, fences, walls and signs shall be permitted in setback areas, provided that such uses conform to applicable regulations of this Planning and Zoning Code. Other accessory buildings structures and uses are permitted in setbacks only in accordance with the setback regulations of subsection (b) hereof.

  1. (a) Yards. The minimum setback from a lot line to a main building shall be as set forth below:

    Minimum Setback (feet)

    Yard To Street R.O.W. Line To Residential District Line To Other Lot Line
    Front 30
    Side (each) 20 10 7
    Rear 20 40 7
  2. (b) Setbacks. The minimum setback from a lot line to an accessory structure or use shall be as set forth below:

    Minimum Setback Depth (Feet)

    Accessory Use To Street R.O.W. Line To Residential District Line To Other Lot Line
    Structures * 10 7
    Surface Parking Area 15 10 5
    Drives * 10 5
    Lighting/Flag Poles 5 10 5

    * Accessory structures and drives are not permitted in required yards except that drives are permitted only as necessary in providing access to a public right of way.

  3. (c) Modifications to Yard and Setback Requirements.

    1. (1) Front yards. The Planning and Zoning Commission may reduce the required front yard setback to permit proposed buildings in substantially built up blocks to meet prevailing setbacks if such alignment is deemed more appropriate

    2. (2) Side yards. Buildings on adjoining lots may be attached at side lot lines if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Architectural Board of Review in consideration of planning and design standards and a recorded common wall agreement is entered into by the owners in form and content first approved by the Law Director.

    3. (3) Buffers. The Planning and Zoning Commission may eliminate buffer requirements at side and rear lot lines joining nonresidential uses in order to permit shared drive and parking facilities. Such action shall be taken only if it is determined that site design or safety will be improved as a result. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall require the submission of written reciprocal agreements between the property owners, which shall be recorded with the County Recorder, guaranteeing the observance of all required conditions for the life of the shared driving and/or parking facilities, which agreement shall be reviewed and subject to the approval of the Law Director, which agreements shall name the Municipality as a third party beneficiary of the agreements with the right to enforce such reciprocal agreements.

  4. (d) Fire Escapes. An open or semi-enclosed iron fire escape shall project not more than six feet into a required rear yard.
    (Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)

1135.05   Supplemental regulations

For regulations regarding off-street parking and loading, landscaping, lighting, signs and environmental performance, refer to Chapters 1141 - 1150 of the Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)