Chapter 1142
Landscaping Regulations
- 1142.01 Intent
- 1142.02 Applicability
- 1142.03 General landscaping
- 1142.04 Street trees
- 1142.05 Parking areas
- 1142.06 Perimeter screens
- 1142.07 Utility uses
- 1142.08 Visibility at intersections
- 1142.09 Maintenance of landscaping and replacement of landscaping
Cross references
- Grade defined - see P. & Z. 1107.08
- Flood control - see BLDG. Ch. 1353
1142.01 Intent
It is the intent of these regulations to achieve, among others, the following purposes.
(a) To ensure that the open areas on developed lots are attractively landscaped and maintained.
(b) To ensure that residential areas are adequately screened and buffered from adjoining nonresidential developments.
(c) To preserve attractive visual landscapes along public streets.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1142.02 Applicability
The regulations of this chapter shall apply to all zoning districts except R1
and R2F Districts, which are regulated by provisions of Chapter 1125 and 1126.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1142.03 General landscaping
Any portion of a developed lot not used for permitted main and accessory
buildings or structures shall be landscaped with vegetative ground cover, shrubs
and trees in accordance with an overall landscaping plan acceptable to the
Municipality. Such landscaping shall be maintained in good condition. In the
development of property, existing trees and significant vegetation shall be
retained wherever feasible.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1142.04 Street trees
(a) General. A grass-covered strip of land at least seven feet in width shall be provided and maintained contiguous to each property in a location between the sidewalk (where one exists or is proposed), and the curb or pavement edge of a contiguous public street. Such area shall be planted with trees spaced at intervals of not more than thirty-five feet on centers at an initial diameter of three inches at twelve inches above ground level.
(b) Tree Types. All tree varieties shall be from a list of approved trees kept on file in the Building Department.
(c) Private Streets. The requirement for tree plantings shall also apply to private streets in Attached Single Family, Multi-Family, Retirement Living, Residential Mixed Use and Cluster Residential Districts. However, such trees may be spaced at intervals greater than thirty-five feet, as approved by the Administrator, in order to encourage the clustering of trees.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1142.05 Parking areas
(a) Perimeter Planting. A continuous landscaped strip of evergreen shrubs planted at intervals of not more than five feet on centers and at initial height of at least two feet shall be provided and maintained along any side of a parking area which is located in a setback abutting a public street. The Planning and Zoning Commission may permit alternative forms of planting if it determines that the required planting is either infeasible or not in keeping with an area’s character.
(b) Interior Landscaping. Any single parking area with fifty or more spaces shall utilize at least five percent (5%) of its area for landscaping designed to interrupt the expanse of paved surface. In Attached Single Family, Multi-Family, Residential Mixed Use, and Retirement Living Residential Districts, landscaped islands shall be provided so that no row of parking exceeds eight spaces in length.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1142.06 Perimeter screens
A planted area designed to screen views and noise shall be provided along certain lot lines separating uses which are not fully compatible. The location and nature of such perimeter screens shall be in accordance with the following regulations.
(a) Location of Screen. A perimeter planted screen shall be provided along the following lot lines:
(1) On the property of a Retail or other Business, Office, or Industrial District use that abuts a Residential, Park or Institutional District use.
(2) On the property of a Multi-Family Residential, Attached Single- Family, Residential Mixed Use or Retirement Living District use that abuts a R1 or R2F District use.
(3) Along the rear lot line of an Industrial District abutting a public street.
(b) Nature of Screen. The planted area shall provide a continuous visual screen to an initial height of at least eight feet. The screening effect shall be achieved in a manner deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission. One appropriate method involves the planting of evergreen trees at intervals of not more than ten feet on centers and at an initial height of at least eight feet. Another appropriate method involves the planting of evergreen shrubs at intervals of not more than five feet on centers used either along, if sufficient in height, or as a supplement to a row of deciduous trees. Other acceptable approaches include the use of landscaped earth mounds topped by shrubbery.
(c) Exceptions. The screening requirement shall not apply where natural or man-made barriers exist which will provide permanent screening generally equivalent to that required.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1142.07 Utility uses
Maintenance facilities, sanitation facilities, storage facilities and utility uses including but not limited to electrical substations, telephone exchanges, communication related boxes and telephone terminal boxes located in any district except Industrial Districts shall be governed by the following landscaping and fencing regulations.
(a) Landscaping. Utility uses shall be substantially screened from view by evergreen shrubbery and/or trees, as approved by the Administrator. Such landscaping shall not be required along a lot line bordering an Industrial District.
(b) Fencing. Utility uses shall be completely enclosed by a fence or wall not less than five feet and not more than seven feet in height. The design and construction of such fences shall be approved by the Architectural Board of Review in consideration of factors of safety and visual impact on nearby uses. For uses which do not present safety hazards, the Administrator may waive the fencing requirement.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1142.08 Visibility at intersections
In all zoning districts, within a triangle formed by lines drawn between points
on two street right-of-way lines twenty-five feet from their point of
intersection, substantially unobstructed sight lines shall be maintained within
a vertical height band two and one-half to six feet above curb level.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)
1142.09 Maintenance of landscaping and replacement of landscaping
All landscaping required by this Chapter 1142 shall be maintained in good condition and, when necessary, shall be replaced with landscaping comparable to the landscaping required by the approved landscape plan in accordance with the following:
(a) Any tree, shrub, or bush, due to its condition, shall be replaced, at a minimum, with a tree, shrub, or bush that is comparable to the type and height of the tree, shrub, or bush specified for initial planting in the approved landscape plan.
(b) Any request to plant or maintain landscaping that is not comparable to the landscaping required by the approved landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Administrator and approved only if such landscaping is an improvement and enhancement, as determined by the Administrator, to the originally approved plan.
(c) The Administrator, in considering whether or not landscaping is an improvement and enhancement, shall consider the intent of Chapter 1142, the need for a visual barrier, the intent of the original landscaping plan, the adjacent properties, the current site conditions, including soil conditions and the success of a certain species growing in the area, and any other factor deemed relevant by the Administrator.
(Ord. 2019-39. Passed 8-13-19.)