Chapter 1301



Cross references

  • Ohio State Building Code - see Ohio R.C. 3781.01 et seq; BLDG. Ch. 1323

1301.01   Definitions generally

The following words and phrases when used in this Building Code, unless otherwise provided, shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this chapter.
(Ord. 1957-420. Passed 12-28-57. )

1301.02   Alteration

“Alteration” means any change, addition or modification in construction or grade of occupancy.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.03   Apartment

“Apartment” means and includes all buildings or parts thereof designed, constructed, altered or converted to be used as a place of residence for three or more families living independently of each other and having common rights in halls, yards, cellars or stairs.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.04   Building

“Building” means any structure erected by art and fixed upon or in the soil, composed of several pieces and designed for use in the position in which so fixed. As commonly understood, a “building” is a structure for business, residence or public use or for the shelter of animals or the storage of goods.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.05   Building line

“Building line” means the line formed by the intersection of the outer face of the enclosing walls of a building and surface of the ground.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.06   Foundation

“Foundation” means all that portion of a building or a structure above the top of footings or basement or cellar floors. It also means the earth upon which the structure rests.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.07   Foundation wall

“Foundation wall” means all that portion of the supporting walls of a building or structure between the footings and the plate under the first floor joists.
(Ord. 1910-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.08   Grade

“Grade” means the surface of the ground, court, lawn or sidewalks adjoining the building. The established grade is the grade of the street curb lines fixed by the Municipality and for parkways as fixed by the Municipality. The natural grade is the undisturbed natural surface of the ground.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.09   Inspector

“Inspector” means the Building Inspector, i. e. the Chief Administrative Officer, or any of his assistants acting under his instructions.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.10   Lawn

“Lawn” means the sodded space in resident districts between the street line and the building line or between the street line and the sidewalk or the sidewalk and the curb.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.11   Multiple family dwelling

“Multiple family dwelling” means an apartment building not over two and one- half stories high designed for more than two families.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.12   Owner

“Owner” means any person owning the building or the property under consideration or being built upon. For the purpose of this Building Code, guardians or trustees will be regarded as the owner.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.13   Repairs

“Repairs” means the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance in its present class of construction and grade of occupancy.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.14   Sign

“Sign” means any visual communication including but not limited to any writing, pictorial representation, illustration, emblem, symbol, design, drawing, mural, banner, flag, placard, pennant, poster or other similar device that is visible from a dedicated right of way or other public place and is used for purpose of advertisement, announcement, declaration, demonstration, identification or expression or directing attention to a person, institution, organization, business, activity, place, object or product.
(Ord. 2014-39. Passed 10-13-14.)

1301.15   Signboard

“Signboard” means a sign more than twelve square feet in area, wherever erected.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.16   Skeleton construction

“Skeleton construction” means all buildings wherein all external and internal loads and stresses are transmitted from the top of the building to the foundations by a skeleton or framework of metal.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)

1301.17   Street line

“Street line” means the line of demarcation between a waterfront, public park or thoroughfare and land adjacent thereto and abutting thereon.
(Ord. 1940-276. Passed 9-9-40.)