Chapter 1309

Fees for Permits and Inspections


Cross references

  • Permits required - see BLDG. Ch. 1307
  • Plumbing, electrical and heating fees - see BLDG. 1335.09

1309.01   Collection of fees

  1. (a) When, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, proper plans and specifications have been submitted and other provisions of this Building Code have been complied with, and when plans and specifications are in compliance with the requirements of this Building Code and other ordinances or regulations of the Municipality and not in violation of other regulations applicable thereto, the Inspector shall issue a written permit and collect therefor the fees specified in this chapter.

  2. (b) Any owner, occupant, architect, builder, plumber, carpenter, mason, electrician or other artisan, who performs work for which a permit is necessary prior to the issuance of said permit, shall pay a permit fee that is twice the amount of the permit fee which would ordinarily be charged for such work.
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.02   New single-family dwellings

The fees for new single-family dwellings shall be as follows:

  1. (a) Building permit: $500.00
  • An additional fee per 100 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof, (floor area shall be measured by using outside building dimensions and shall include all floors, including the basement, but shall only include one-half of any attic floor): $10.00
  1. (b) Plumbing permit: $100.00

  2. (c) Electrical permit: $150.00

  3. (d) Heating permit: $100.00

  4. (e) Water permit - see Water Regulations, Part Nine, Streets and Public Services Code For water utilized during construction.
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.03   Additions to single-family dwellings, alterations and repairs

The fees for additions to single-family dwellings, alterations and repairs, shall be as follows:

  1. (a) Building permit

    1. (1) Not exceeding 200 square feet: $100.00

    2. (2) Each additional 100 square feet or fraction thereof: $5.00

  2. (b) Plumbing permit: $50.00

  3. (c) Electrical permit: $75.00

  4. (d) Heating permit: $50.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.04   New garages and accessory buildings

The fee for new garages and accessory buildings shall be $50.00 plus $1.00 for each 100 square feet of building ground coverage.
(Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.05   Additions to garages

The fee for additions to garages shall be as follows:

  • Building permit $50.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.06   Demolition and moving

The fees for demolishing and moving buildings shall be as follows:

  1. (a) Permit

    1. (1) Demolition of any building: $150.00

    2. (2) Moving any building on a public street or highway, excepting open buildings or sheds across a property line, initial fee: $150.00

    3. (3) In addition to the initial fee, there shall be a charge per hour while the building is on a public street or highway, as follows:

      • During the first 24 hours: $30.00
      • After the first 24 hours: $60.00 (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.07   New apartments or multiple dwellings

The fees for new apartments or multiple dwellings, if no State permit is required, shall be as follows:

  1. (a) Building permit

    1. (1) Two-family dwelling, per dwelling unit: $500.00

    2. (2) Apartment house containing more than two dwelling units, per unit: $200.00

    3. (3) Motels or hotels, per dwelling unit: $200.00

    4. (4) An additional fee per 100 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof, (floor area shall be measured by using outside building dimensions and shall include all floors, including the basement, but shall include only one-half of any attic floor): $5.00

  2. (b) Plumbing permit for each dwelling unit: $100.00

  3. (c) Electrical permit for each dwelling unit: $150.00

  4. (d) Heating permit for each dwelling unit: $100.00

  5. (e) Water permit for water utilized during construction-see Water Regulations, Part Nine, Streets & Public Services Code
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.08   Additions or alterations to apartments or multiple dwellings

The fees for additions or alterations to apartments or multiple dwellings, if no State permit is required, shall be as follows:

  1. (a) Building permit

    1. (1) Apartment or multiple dwellings, motels or hotels: $130.00

    2. (2) An additional fee per 100 square feet or fraction thereof of total floor area on all floors in excess of 600 square feet, (floor area shall be measured by using outside building dimensions and shall include all floors, including basement, but shall include only one-half of any attic floor): $5.00

  2. (b) Plumbing permit: $100.00

  3. (c) Electrical permit: $150.00

  4. (d) Heating permit: $100.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.09   Industrial or commercial buildings

The fees for industrial or commercial building, if no State permit is required, shall be as follows:

  1. (a) Building permit

    1. (1) Initial fee per floor or story: $125.00

    2. (2) An additional fee, per 100 square feet or fraction thereof: $7.50

  2. (b) Plumbing permit: $75.00

  3. (c) Electrical permit: $125.00

  4. (d) Heating permit: $75.00

  5. (e) Storage tanks (not including septic tanks)

    1. (1) Up to 2,000 gallons capacity: $65.00

    2. (2) 2,001 gallons up to 4,999 gallons capacity: $95.00

    3. (3) 5,000 gallons or more capacity: $125.00

  6. (f) Water permit

    For water utilized during construction - see Water Regulations, Part Nine, Streets and Public Services Code
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.10   Additions to industrial or commercial buildings, alterations and repairs

The fees for additions to industrial or commercial buildings, alterations and repairs, if no State permit is required, shall be as follows:

  1. (a) Building permit

    1. (1) Initial fee per floor or story: $200.00

      Additional fee per 100 square feet or fraction thereof, (floor area shall be measured by using outside building

    2. (2) dimensions and shall include all floors, including the basement): $5.00

  2. (b) Plumbing permit: $100.00

  3. (c) Electrical permit: $100.00

  4. (d) Heating permit: $100.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.11   Architectural review fees

The following permit fees shall be charged:

  1. (a)

    • Detached/attached garage - 500 to 700 sq. ft.: $50.00

    • Detached/attached garage - 499 sq. ft. or less: $50.00

    • attached garage - over 700 sq. ft.: $45.00

  2. (b) Residential additions and/or interior remodeling (nearest room size)

    • 500 sq. ft. and over: $55.00

    • 499 sq. ft. and under: $30.00

  3. (c) Any new residence - including three-family: $120.00

  4. (d) Any new or remodeled commercial, industrial or multi-family building: $150.00

  5. (e) Re-submission of plan for review

    • Revisions by owner: $25.00

    • (at discretion of Board)

(Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.12   Sign fees

The fees for signs shall be as follows:

  • Nonilluminated, per sign: $50.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.13   Swimming pools

The fee for a swimming pool shall be as follows:

  • Building permit $100.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.14   Fence or wall near property line

The fee for a fence or wall near a property line shall be as follows:

  • Building permit, if height exceeds three feet: $40.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.15   Minor permit where no inspection

The fee for minor permits where there is no inspection shall be:

  • Minor building permit $20.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.16   Special inspection fees

There shall be no additional fees for inspections covered in the preceding sections except as hereafter provided:

  1. (a) Whenever an inspection has been requested and the work is found incomplete or not ready for inspection, or in need of correction, and a reinspection is necessary, there shall be a reinspection fee of: $30.00

  2. (b) Whenever a special inspection, not a routine inspection of work being done under a permit, is requested, there shall be an inspection fee of: $30.00

  3. (c) Whenever a sanitary sewer inspection of any kind is requested or required there shall be a fee of: $75.00
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.17   Fees for central air conditioning units in residential dwellings

The fee for a central air conditioning unit or units in new, additions or altered single family, multiple dwellings and apartments shall be five dollars ($5.00) per ton.
(Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.18   Sidewalk and driveway apron permit fee

Prior to the issuance of a permit for the installation or replacement of existing sidewalk or driveway apron, for which an inspection fee of forty dollars ($40.00) shall be charged, every applicant, whether owner, agent or contractor, shall post a certificate of insurance naming the Municipality as an additional insured with limits of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100, 000) to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for injury to person and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for property damage to protect the Municipality from any and all liability arising from such work to be performed in the dedicated streets of the Municipality.
(Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.19   Certificate of occupancy fee

  1. (a) A fifty dollar ($50.00) fee shall be paid for any initial certificate of occupancy issued to business or commercial structures, which shall be the responsibility of the business or enterprise owner or operator.

  2. (b) For any inspection for a certificate of occupancy conducted after occupancy in violation of the code, a one hundred fifty dollar ($150.00) fee shall be paid.

  3. (c) There shall be no fee for any renewal of a certificate of occupancy.
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.20   Subdivision application fee

  1. (a) A two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) fee shall be paid upon application for a minor subdivision.

  2. (b) An eight hundred dollar ($800.00) fee shall be paid upon application for a major subdivision.
    (Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)

1309.21   Reimbursement for professional fees

Any professional fees incurred by the Village as a result of the review, inspection, consultation or other services rendered to Council, the Board or Commission or Chief Administrative Officer or Building Inspector in reference to the review or inspection of any construction, building, grading, excavation or other work being performed within the Village shall be reimbursed by the owner of the property which is the subject thereof.
(Ord. 2014-06. Passed 1-27-14.)