Chapter 1350

Satellite Signal Receiving Stations


Cross references

  • Perimeter screens - see P. & Z. 1142.06

1350.01   Intent

In addition to the provisions of the intent stated in Section 1105.03, it is the intent of these regulations to ensure the following health, safety and aesthetic objectives:

  1. (a) To limit interference with natural sunlight and the circulation of air and to preserve space for trees and other plants;

  2. (b) To minimize the potential of dish antennas to block views, impair security, hinder utility or emergency access, pose safety hazards, particularly in high wind conditions, and accumulate weeds and debris underneath;

  3. (c) To reduce visual impact of dish antennas on the distinctive nature of both old and new homes, and to preserve property values;

  4. (d) To preserve the historic character of the Village of Chagrin Falls as evidenced by the designation of the Village as a historical district, which designation has been based in large part upon the architectural and other aesthetic qualities of both residential and commercial districts within the Village;

  5. (e) To preserve pre-historic or historic sites, buildings, structures or objects included in, or eligible for inclusion on, the National Register of Historic Places; and

  6. (f) To establish regulations which are reasonable and necessary to achieve the stated objectives.
    (Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.02   Definition

“Dish-type, satellite signal-receiving earth station”, sometimes referred to hereinafter as earth station or dish antenna, means an antenna of dish shape that is accessory to a permitted main building and installed for the purpose of receiving signals related to communications for satellite transmissions.
(Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.03   Permit not required

A permit is not required for the following types of dish antennas:

  1. (a) Satellite dish antennas that are one meter (39 inches) or less in diameter may be located in any residential zoning district subject to the following:

    1. (1) If attached to the main building, such dish antenna shall be secured to a side wall, rear wall or roof. If roof-mounted, such dish antenna shall be mounted only upon the portion of any hip, gable or gambrel roof that faces the rear yard and shall not exceed the maximum height of the roof upon which it is mounted. On flat roofs, the dish antenna shall be set back from the building face a distance at least equal to the height by which it exceeds the building height.

    2. (2) If not attached to the main building, such dish antenna, including its base or substructure, shall be located in a side or rear yard no less than ten feet from any lot line.

  2. (b) Satellite dish antennas that are two meters (78 inches) or less in diameter may be located in the Central Shopping District subject to the following:

    1. (1) The site proposed for placement of the dish antenna is not a site building, or structure included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places.

    2. (2) Such dish antenna shall be secured to the roof of the main building.

    3. (3) No portion of a dish antenna or any supporting structure shall extend over a public right of way.

  3. (c) Satellite dish antennas that are two meters (78 inches) or less in diameter may be located in the Park and Institutional, Office, Retail Business, or Limited Industrial Zoning Districts subject to the following:

    1. (1) The site proposed for placement of the dish antenna is not a site, building, or structure included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places.

    2. (2) If attached to the main building, such dish antenna shall be secured to a side wall, rear wall or roof; however, no portion of a dish antenna or any supporting structure shall extend over a public right of way.

    3. (3) If not attached to the main building, such dish antenna, including its base or substructure, shall be located in a side or rear yard no less than ten feet from any lot line.
      (Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.04   Permit required; fee

Except as provided in Section 1350.03, no person, firm or corporation shall erect a satellite dish-type earth station without a permit and no installation or erection shall commence before a permit is issued in accordance with this Chapter. The permit fee for a satellite dish earth station is seventy dollars ($70.00).
(Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00; Ord. 2005-28. Passed 6-13-05.)

1350.05   Application for permit; plans

Any owner who desires to construct or erect a satellite dish-type earth station may apply to the Administrator for the permit as required by this Chapter.

  1. (a) Narrative Information.

    1. (1) The applicant shall submit the permit application upon forms provided by the Administrator.

    2. (2) A part-owner, occupant or renter must submit documentation of written permission from the owner of the lot, premises or parcel of land within the Village on which such construction or erected satellite station is proposed.

    3. (3) The application shall indicate the owner or owners of the subject property, the occupant of the subject premises and the contractor or other person who will be permitted to construct or erect the proposed satellite dish earth station.

    4. (4) The applicant shall also submit documentation demonstrating that the dish antenna must be sited in the proposed location. If the size of the proposed dish antenna is greater than one meter in residential districts and greater than two meters in nonresidential districts, documentation shall be submitted indicating that such size is technically necessary.

  2. (b) Plans.

    1. (1) The applicant shall submit a plot plan of the lot, premises or parcel of land, showing the exact location of the proposed earth station and the location of all buildings on the subject lot and a description of the kind of earth station dish proposed.

    2. (2) In addition to all other application requirements, nonresidential applications shall include three complete sets of construction plans, specifications and elevations of the proposed location with sufficient details to show the method of assembly and construction. Each set of plans and specifications shall show the complete name and address of the subject property owner and the complete name and address of the person who prepared the plans and specifications. The Administrator may require construction plans to be certified with a Professional Engineer’s stamp.

  3. (c) Review.

    1. (1) The Administrator shall review the submitted application and shall note thereon whether all of the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied. The Administrator may waive any of the above requirements that he determines to be inapplicable in specific instances. The provisions of the Building and Planning and Zoning Codes, so far as they are consistent with this chapter and applicable hereto, shall also apply to the construction of an earth station, except for additional permit fees.

    2. (2) Once the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied, the application shall be referred to the Architectural Review Board, which shall review the application for compliance with Chapter 1146.
      (Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.06   Location of satellite dish earth station

  1. (a) To the maximum extent feasible, no earth station shall be erected in any front or side yard or within ten feet of any lot line.

  2. (b) An earth station may be secured to a side wall, rear wal1 or roof of the main building. If roof-mounted, such dish antenna shall be mounted only upon the portion of any hip, gable or gambrel roof that faces the rear yard and shall not exceed the maximum height of the roof upon which it is mounted. On flat roofs, the dish antenna shall be set back from the building face a distance at least equal to the height by which it exceeds the building height.

  3. (c) No earth station shall be linked to receivers which are not located on the same lot or premises as the earth station, unless the owner or occupant of the premises is operating pursuant to a franchise granted by the Village.
    (Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.07   Earth station support structures

  1. (a) Only metal support, galvanized construction or equal thereto shall be allowed.

  2. (b) Only a concrete base or caissons, depending on soil conditions, shall be employed in line with grade.

  3. (c) The structure shall be designed to withstand wind force of up to eighty-five miles per hour in a manner conforming with good engineering practices.

  4. (d) Any driving motor shall be limited to 110-volt maximum power design, be encased in protective guards, and be in compliance with requirements as provided in the National Electric Code, Article 800.

  5. (e) Only underground wiring shall be permitted. Such underground electrical wiring must be encased in approved PVC conduit or rigid metal conduit with eighteen inch cover and must also meet with the approval of the Building Department and comply with the requirements as provided in the National Electric Code, Article 800 and related articles.

  6. (f) The earth station must be bonded to an eight-foot grounding rod and in accordance with the requirements as provided in the National Electric Code, Article 250 and related articles.

  7. (g) Should guy wires be used, they must be confined within a fenced area or be protected by a suitable shield.

  8. (h) The structure must be in conformance with the National Electric Code Article 800 and related articles as referenced.
    (Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.08   Size

The maximum diameter of any earth station shall not exceed four meters (156 inches).
(Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.09   Height

Unless attached to a main building, the maximum height of any earth station structure shall not exceed thirteen feet from natural grade level.
(Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.10   Screening; lettering; color

  1. (a) The dish shall be screened so as to permanently shield most of the structure from view from adjoining properties and public rights of way, pursuant to the guideline of Section 1142.06(b) of the Zoning Code.

  2. (b) No lettering, numerals, symbols, pictorial signs or designs shall be permitted on any surface of the earth station. No earth station dish shall be painted in a color other than grey, white or earth tones.
    (Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.11   Dismantling and removal

In the event that a satellite dish no longer serves its intended purpose, it shall be the responsibility of the owner of such premises upon which an earth station is located to cause the same to be dismantled completely, including all support structures and appurtenances and removed from the property.
(Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.12   Limitations

  1. (a) Only one dish antenna of any type shall be permitted for each dwelling unit.

  2. (b) Only one dish antenna of any type shall be permitted for each commercial use as determined by the Administrator based on a review of Occupancy Permits.
    (Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)

1350.99   Penalty

Whoever violates or fails to comply with any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(Ord. 2000-95. Passed 11-27-00.)