Chapter 1501
Model Codes Adopted
- 1501.01 Adoption of the Ohio Fire Code, NFPA, and the OBBC
- 1501.02 Establishment and duties of Bureau of Fire Prevention
- 1501.03 Definitions
- 1501.04 Limits for storage of flammable liquids and explosives
- 1501.05 Modifications
- 1501.06 Appeals
- 1501.07 New materials, processes or occupancies which may require permits
- 1501.08 Severability
- 1501.09 Permit fees
- 1501.10 Incinerators prohibited for new construction or noncompliance
- 1501.11 Smoke density and outdoor fires
- 1501.12 Conflicts with Building Code or State law
- 1501.13 Amendments
- 1501.14 Failure to correct violations
- 1501.99 Penalty
Cross references
- Power to regulate elevators, stairways and fire escapes - See Ohio R.C. 715.26
- Fire protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 717.02
- Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R.C. 731.231
- Power to regulate against fires - see Ohio R.C. 737.21, 737.37
- Investigation of fires - see Ohio R.C. 737.27, 3737.08
- Right to examine buildings - see Ohio R.C. 737.34 et seq., 3737.14
- Petroleum liquids and gasses - see Ohio R.C. 3737.17 et seq.
- Dry cleaning and dyeing - see Ohio R.C. Chapter 3739
- Gasoline, oils and paints - see Ohio R.C. Chapter 3741
- Fireworks and explosives - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 149
- Fire limits - see BLDG. Ch. 1333
1501.01 Adoption of the Ohio fire code, NFPA, and the OBBC
There are hereby adopted, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing
conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and explosions, the most
current editions of the Ohio Fire Code, National Fire Protection Association,
and the Ohio Basic Building Code, including appendices and the complete index
thereof, except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, added, modified or
(Ord. 2000-76. Passed 10-9-00.)
1501.02 Establishment and duties of bureau of fire prevention
(a) A Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department is hereby established, which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department, under the direction and control of the Mayor. The person in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be referred to and known as the Officer in Charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and shall be appointed by the Chief of the Fire Department, on the basis of his qualifications, after approval of the Mayor. The Fire Chief shall designate five other officers or members of that Department based on their qualifications, as fire inspectors for duties incident to the operation of the Bureau.
(b) It shall be the duty of the Bureau of Fire Prevention to enforce all laws and ordinances covering the following:
(1) The prevention of fires;
(2) The storage and use of explosives and flammables;
(3) The installation and maintenance of automatic and other fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing equipment;
(4) The maintenance and regulations of fire escapes;
(5) The maintenance of protection and elimination of hazards in buildings and structures, including those under construction;
(6) The means and adequacy of exit in case of fire from all places in which persons work, live, or congregate for any purpose from time to time, including but not limited to factories, schools, hotels, lodging houses, asylums, hospitals, churches, halls, theaters and amphitheaters;
(7) The investigation of the cause, origin and circumstances of fires;
(8) The inspection, enforcement and issuance of operating permits in connection with incinerators as provided in this chapter; and
(9) Educate the populace by fire prevention programs.
The Bureau shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as are set forth in other sections of this Fire Prevention Code and other ordinances as may be conferred and imposed from time to time by law.
This delegation of duty shall not relieve any other department, officer or employee of the Municipality of any power or duty conferred upon it or him by law or ordinances.
(c) The Fire Chief or Officer in Charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention or Inspector may, at all reasonable hours, enter any building, premises, or vehicle within his jurisdiction for the purposes of examining the same as authorized by State statute.
(d) The Fire Chief or members of the Bureau of Fire Prevention may make or cause to be made an inspection of the contents and the working conditions of any fire extinguisher or fire extinguishing system.
(e) The Bureau shall survey each commercial and industrial establishment, mercantile, educational and institutional occupancy, place of assembly, hotel, apartment and may survey multi-family houses and such other buildings or dwellings within the Municipality, and shall specify suitable fire-detecting devices or extinguishing appliances which shall be provided in or near boiler rooms, kitchens of restaurants, clubs and like establishments, storage rooms involving considerable combustible material, rooms in which hazardous manufacturing processes are involved, repair garages and other places of a generally hazardous nature. Such devices or appliances may consist of automatic fire alarm systems, automatic sprinkler or water spray systems, standpipe and hose, fixed or portable fire extinguishers of a type suitable for probable class of fire, or suitable asbestos or approved fire blankets, manual or automatic covers or other special fire extinguishing systems. In special hazardous processes or storage, appliances of more than one type or special system may be required.
(f) Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 737.27, the Chief of the Fire Department or members of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall investigate the cause of all fires, bombings, and explosions, examine witnesses, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers and to do and perform all other acts necessary to the effective discharge of such duties.
The Chief or his representative may administer oaths and enter, for the purpose of examination, any building, premises or vehicle which, in their opinion, is in danger from fire and they shall report their proceedings to the Mayor or legislative authority at such times as are required. Failure of any person, firm or corporation to comply with any order of the Chief or his representative, under the provisions of this section shall constitute an unlawful act and subject such person, firm or corporation to penalties provided for in Section 1501.99. Whenever necessary, for the enforcement of any law pertaining to fire inspection or fire enforcement, the Chief or his designated representative shall apply for a search warrant in the form and manner provided by law.
(g) The Chief shall recommend to the Mayor the employment of technical inspectors who, when such authorization is granted by Council, shall be selected through an examination to determine their fitness for the position. The examination shall be open to members and nonmembers of the Fire Department and appointments made after examination shall be for such period as determined by Council.
(h) A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the Mayor. It shall contain all proceedings under the Fire Prevention Code, with such statistics as the Fire Chief may wish to include therein. The Chief shall also recommend any amendments to the Fire Prevention Code which in his judgment shall be desirable.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
1501.03 Definitions
(a) Wherever the word “Municipality” is used in the Fire Prevention Code, it means the Village of Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
(b) Wherever the term “Corporation Counsel” is used in the Fire Prevention Code, it means the Director of Law of the Village.
(c) Whenever the words “Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention” are used in the Fire Prevention Code, they shall be held to mean Officer in Charge in the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(Ord. 2000-76. Passed 10-9-00.)
1501.04 Limits for storage of flammable liquids and explosives
(a) The limits referred to in Section 16.22a of the Fire Prevention Code, in which storage of flammable liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited, are hereby established to include the territorial boundaries of the Municipality.
(b) The limits referred to in Section 16.61 of the Fire Prevention Code, in which new bulk plants for flammable liquids are prohibited, are hereby established to include the territorial boundaries of the Municipality.
(c) The limits referred to in Section 21.6a of the Fire Prevention Code, in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted, are hereby established to include the territorial boundaries of the Municipality.
(d) The limits referred to in Section 12.5b of the Fire Prevention Code, in which storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited, are hereby established to include the territorial boundaries of the Municipality.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
1501.05 Modifications
The Fire Chief may, with the approval of Council, modify any provisions of the
Fire Prevention Code upon application in writing by the owner or lessee, or his
duly authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in the way of
carrying out the strict letter of the Code, provided that the spirit of the Code
shall be observed, public safety secured and substantial justice done. The
particulars of such modifications, when granted or allowed, and the decision of
the Fire Chief thereon, shall be entered upon the records of the Fire Department
and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant, Mayor and Bureau of Fire
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
Whenever any board, commission, or official (collectively “Approving Authority”)
has been delegated the power to approve plans, issue permits and/or to approve
development, construction, reconstruction or renovation of land, buildings or
structures within the Village, such Approving Authority may impose conditions,
so long as such conditions are in compliance with any applicable statutes,
ordinance and standards, on such approval with such conditions that the
Approving Authority believes are necessary to impose in order that the public
health, safety, convenience, comfort and general welfare of the resident and the
Village may be safeguarded and substantial justice done.
(Ord. 2022-19. Passed 6-13-22.)
1501.06 Appeals
Whenever the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall disapprove an application or refuse
to grant a permit applied for or when it is claimed that the provisions of the
Fire Prevention Code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the
Code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal
from the decision of the Bureau to the Fire Chief within thirty days from the
date of the decision appealed. If the Fire Chief shall refuse to overrule the
Bureau, the applicant may appeal to Council within sixty days from the date of
the decision appealed.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
1501.07 New materials, processes or occupancies which may require permits
The Mayor, Fire Chief and the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall act as a committee
to determine and specify, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be
heard, any new materials, processes or occupancies which shall require permits
in addition to those now enumerated in the Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Chief
shall post such list in a conspicuous place in his office and distribute copies
thereof to interested persons.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
1501.08 Severability
Should any section, paragraph, sentence or word of this chapter of the Fire
Prevention Code hereby adopted be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is
the intent of Council that it would have passed all other portions of this
chapter independent of the elimination herefrom of any such portion as may be
declared invalid.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
1501.09 Permit fees
Permits required by sections of the Fire Prevention Code will be granted upon
payment to the Municipality a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each
required permit, provided that such application for a permit shall be approved
by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75; Ord. 1990-79. Passed 10-8-90; Ord. 2005-28.
Passed 6-13-05.)
1501.10 Incinerators prohibited for new construction or noncompliance
Incinerators not installed and existing in good operating condition on or after
adoption date of this Code in a multi-family, apartment, office, commercial
building, retail building, single or two-family home or other use within the
Municipality are prohibited. All existing incinerators shall be kept and
maintained in good repair as is otherwise set forth in this chapter, but shall
not be replaced with a new incinerator.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
1501.11 Smoke density and outdoor fires
(a) Smoke limits. The emission within the Municipality of smoke, the density of which is equal to or greater than number one of the Ringleman Chart, published by the Bureau of Mines, U. S. Department of the Interior, from any device, equipment other than incinerators, smokestack or chimney of any building is declared to be a nuisance and may be summarily abated by any member of the Police Department or the Fire Department in addition to the prosecution and fine provided in this Fire Prevention Code.
(b) Bonfires and outdoor rubbish fires. No person, tenant or leaseholder shall kindle or maintain a fire to be used for preparation of food or for any other purpose in any type of outdoor or portable grill in any apartment or on or below any apartment house balcony or within twenty feet of any structure housing more than two families. Exempted are existing permanently installed gas-fired grills approved by the Municipality prior to the effective date of this chapter. These will be allowed if maintained in good repair.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
1501.12 Conflicts with building code or state law
If any of the provisions of this Fire Prevention Code conflict in any way with
the provisions of the Building Code, the stricter code shall prevail. In the
event of a conflict between this code and the State law, the state law shall
(Ord. 2008-05. Passed 2-11-08.)
1501.13 Amendments
The Fire Prevention Code adopted herein is hereby amended as follows:
Section 1.8b Blue Print Approval. (Added):
Blue prints for all new construction or changes to existing construction shall be submitted for review by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. When such submitted plans have been found to conform to the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code, and all other codes adopted by the Municipality pertaining to fire protection, fire safety extinguishment and life safety, such plans shall be stamped as approved for “Fire Regulations Only.” When plans are submitted which do not conform with such codes, a list of all violations, with their corresponding code section numbers shall be written or attached to the submitted plans. The owner of such plans or his representative shall subsequently submit revised plans, addenda or other data to show evidence of compliance with the applicable provisions of these Codes. In the event such data is not received within a reasonable length of time, not to exceed thirty days, the Officer in Charge of the Bureau may revoke the plan approval. The construction, erection and alteration of a building, and any addition thereto, and the equipment and maintenance thereof shall conform to required plans which have been approved by the Bureau. When the Bureau finds that work or equipment is contrary to approved plans, the owner or contractor shall be notified as to where and in what respect the work or equipment does not conform to the approved plans, and the owner or contractor shall be given a specific period of time in which to conform to such plans, and occupancy of such building or part thereof shall not be occupied until such violations are corrected and approved by the Bureau.
Section 1.11(a) (Amended):
Fire drills shall be held at least once a month in educational occupancies where such occupancies constitute the major occupancy of a building. During severe weather, fire drills may be postponed. A total of ten fire drills shall be conducted during a complete school year from September through June. A record of all fire drills shall be kept and the person in charge of such occupancies shall notify the Bureau of Fire Prevention immediately after such drill is held giving the name of the occupancy and the time taken to complete the drill.
Section 1.11(c) (Added):
Every public, private and parochial school shall have an adequate alarm system, which system shall be connected directly to the Fire Department alarm system when it becomes available or have a direct communication line to the Fire Department in accordance with regulations of the Fire Chief.
Section 1.11(d) (Added):
No person shall give or assist in giving a false alarm of fire, or proclaim that any fire is extinguished when it is not. No person, except the Fire Chief or his duly appointed and authorized assistant or substitute, shall turn in or give, or cause to be turned in or given, any alarm of fire after one alarm of fire has been turned in or given.
Section 1.11(e) (Added):
No person shall tamper with or cause damage to any fire alarm box or attachments of any fire alarm system which is or is not connected directly into the Municipal fire alarm circuits.
Section 5.5 Mini Theaters. (Added):
(a) The term “motion picture projectors” when used herein means any machine or device, either permanently located or portable in nature, operated by or with the aid of electricity, or any other illuminant, and which is designed, intended or used to project upon a screen or other surface, pictorial representations through the use of any type of film, tape or other material or equipment.
(b) The provisions of Sections 5.5(a) through 5.5(e) hereof shall apply to theaters, auditoriums, schools, churches, halls and such other exhibition or meeting rooms to which the public or any segment thereof, is admitted to view the showing of any pictorial representations projected from a motion picture projector as hereinbefore defined.
(c) No motion picture projector shall be installed, maintained or operated within the Municipality except in conformity with the provisions of the Codified Ordinances relating to the installation and construction of a booth for the enclosure of the motion picture projector or projectors, as well as the requirements relating to the contents, ventilation, doors, electrical installations and signs thereof together with such requirements relating to the location, construction, and other safety regulations for theaters, exhibition or meeting halls, auditoriums or other places of assembly. For the purpose of this section, the provisions of the National Fire Codes, of the National Fire Protection Association, particularly Standard 101, Life Safety Code, and Standard 40, Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film, as well as the Ohio Building Code are hereby adopted and included herein by reference as if fully rewritten herein.
(d) All motion picture projectors within which combustible film is used shall be equipped with noncombustible magazines for receiving and delivering the films during the operation of the projector. A fire shutter shall be provided and installed in front of the condenser of the projector, so arranged that such shutter can be instantly closed by the operator.
(e) Approved metal cabinets with self-closing doors shall be installed in all work rooms, storage rooms, film storage rooms, carpenter shops, paint rooms, property rooms and in all rooms serving a similar purpose.
(f) An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in all work rooms, storage rooms, film storage rooms, carpenter shops, paint rooms, property rooms and in all rooms serving a similar purpose.
(g) Hot carbons taken from the motion picture projectors shall be deposited in a metal receptacle provided in the booth for such purpose.
(h) Licensed motion picture projector operators shall be employed or permitted to operate any equipment as defined in Section 5.5(a) hereof unless exhibited by and incidental to the purposes of any charitable, religious, court, benevolent or educational institution, public or private, providing such unlicensed operator has been approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(i) No individual, partnership or corporation shall be permitted to conduct the business of motion picture exhibitions, as herein described, until he has applied for and procured from the Bureau of Fire Prevention a permit that the premises wherein the exhibitions are to be given and the apparatus used in connection therewith are in compliance with the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code, and such other sections of the Codified Ordinances relating thereto.
Section 8.4 Storage Containers. (Amended):
(a) Each cylinder or pressure vessel shall be designed, constructed, tested, maintained and marked with the name of the gas contained so as to be reasonably safe to persons and property. Evidence that each cylinder or pressure vessel has been designed, constructed, tested, maintained and marked with the name of the gas contained in accordance with the applicable standards specified for this Section 8.4 in Article 31 of this Code shall be evidence that such cylinder or pressure vessel is reasonably safe to persons and property.
(b) All high pressure gas cylinders stored within a building, shall be secured to a wall in an upright position. All exposed valves shall be provided with protective caps, and shall be installed on all cylinder valves not in actual use.
Section 11.3 Lighting of Exit Ways. (Amended):
(a) Required stairways, hallways and other means of egress, including exterior open spaces to or through which exit ways lead, shall be kept adequately lighted at all times that the building being served thereby is occupied.
(b) Each room, hall or auditorium having a capacity of fifty (50) persons, and each place of business, place of assembly, open to the public after sunset and each apartment house shall be provided with lights meeting the provisions of Section 11.2 and 11.3 so located and supplied with electrical energy as to provide, with any electrical power failure, emergency illumination without appreciable delay. Such installations shall consist of any one of the following:
(1) An emergency lighting system so designed as to automatically provide the illumination required in this section in the event of failure of normal power due to any fault in the system, or to any failure of the public utility or other outside electrical power supply or manual act such as accidental opening of a switch controlling normal power facilities. Such emergency lighting systems shall be either continuous operation or capable of repeated automatic operation without manual intervention, and may be provided by any method or combination of methods which will produce the desired results.
(2) Two or more separate and complete systems with independent current supply, each providing emergency lighting. Unless both systems are kept lighted, means shall be provided for automatically lighting each system upon failure of the other.
(3) Any other installation approved as adequate for the purpose of this section in the manner required by this Code. All emergency lighting systems shall be maintained in a serviceable and operating condition.
(4) Existing buildings shall comply within one year.
Section 11.6 Floor Numbers. (Added):
Each apartment or commercial building over two stories in height shall have the respective floor numbers installed on the hallway exit doors on the stairway side, in a manner approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
Section 14.5 Installation of Standpipes and Sprinklers. (Amended):
Standpipes shall be installed in all buildings over two stories high, except in single and two-family dwellings. Such standpipes shall be not less than four inches in diameter for buildings not exceeding fifty-five feet in height, and not less than six inches in diameter for buildings over fifty-five feet in height.
On stages arranged or intended for theatrical, operatic or similar performances, regardless of building height, there shall be one, two and one- half inch standpipe on each side of the stage.
The installation of all standpipe systems shall be in accordance with plans and specifications based on the requirements of this section, and subject to the approval of the Fire Chief.
(a) Number of Standpipes. The number of standpipes shall be such that all parts of every floor area can be reached within thirty feet by a nozzle attached to 100 feet of hose connected to a standpipe.
(b) Location of Standpipes. Standpipes shall be so located that they are protected against mechanical and fire damage, with outlets within stairway enclosures.
(c) Construction of Standpipes.
(1) Standpipes shall be constructed of wrought iron or steel, and shall be designed to withstand a working pressure of not less than 100 pounds per square inch in excess of the static head of water due to the height of the standpipe.
(2) Standpipes shall extend from the lowest story of the building to the topmost story, provided that Standpipes serving parts of buildings that are not of the full height of the building need extend only to the top story of that part.
(3) When more than one standpipe is required in a building, they shall be connected at their bases by pipes of a size equal to that of the largest standpipe, to permit water from any source to supply all the standpipes.
(4) Where the water supply is furnished by a gravity tank of a pressure tank located in the building at or above the topmost outlet, a check valve shall be provided below the tank and a stop valve between the check valve and the tank.
(5) Standpipes shall be equipped in every story with two and one-half inch hose connections and valves located not more than five feet above the floor level, such valves shall be provided with two and one-half inch to one and one-half inch reducing couplings for use with Fire Department hose.
(6) Sufficient stop valves or check valves shall be provided to permit cutting off a standpipe riser without interrupting the supply to other risers from the same source of supply. Stop valves which are located above the ground floor, and which must be closed to permit continued use of one standpipe in case of failure of another, shall be arranged to permit operation from the ground floor or from the pump room.
(7) Only fittings, connections and valves approved by the Fire Chief shall be used in the construction of standpipes.
Standpipe and sprinkler systems shall be tested at a minimum 200 pounds per square inch for two hours without leakage.
(d) Fire Department Connections.
(1) Standpipes shall be equipped with outside Siamese connections approved by the Fire Chief, having check valves in each inlet. The pipe from the standpipe to the Siamese connection shall be at least four inches in diameter.
(2) There shall be one or more Siamese connections to each standpipe system.
(3) Siamese connections shall be placed not less than eighteen inches nor more than thirty-six inches above the level of the adjoining ground or sidewalk.
(4) The thread of such connections shall be uniform with that used by the Fire Department. Substantial plugs, with chains, shall be provided to protect the threads on each connection.
(5) Each such connection shall be suitably marked with raised letters reading “STANDPIPE WET” or “STANDPIPE DRY”.
(6) Just inside of the building in a horizontal section of the standpipe connection, a straightway check valve approved by the Fire Chief shall be placed, with an automatic drip connection valve between the check valve and the exterior Siamese connection to prevent freezing.
(e) Hose.
(1) Standpipes located inside buildings shall have linen hose, approved by the Fire Chief, sufficient to reach all parts of the floor area, but not in excess of 100 feet, attached to each outlet.
(2) Such hose shall be not less than one and one-half inches in diameter, and provided with two and one-half inch outlet and shut-off valves, together with reducing coupling to conform to those of the Fire Department.
(3) Each line of hose shall be provided with washers at both ends and fitted with smoothbore play pipe or nozzle at least twelve inches long having a one-half inch discharge outlet or an adjustable nozzle.
(4) Hose shall be kept on hose racks or in the hose cabinets approved by the Fire Chief.
(f) Water Supply to Standpipes.
(1) Standpipes shall be supplied under full pressure from an adequate water supply, or the water supply shall be furnished automatically by the opening of a hose outlet or by the operation of suitably located thermostats, except in dwellings, churches and other buildings having floor areas of less than 2,500 square feet in which not less than one approved two and one-half gallon chemical extinguisher is provided for such floor area, and except in sprinklered buildings in which one and one-half inch hose is connected to the sprinkler risers in each floor area, and except in buildings which, because of occupancy or type of construction do not, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, require such constant and automatic water supply.
(2) Such water supply shall be furnished by a street main sufficient to maintain a pressure of not less than forty pounds per square inch at outlets in the top story of the building with a flow of 500 gallons per minute from a hydrant within 200 feet of the building; by a gravity tank of not less than 5,000 gallons capacity, having the bottom not less than twenty-five feet above the outlets in the top story of the building; by a pressure tank of not less than 4,500 gallons capacity (3,300 gallons of water), located in the top story or on the roof of the building, or by automatic pumps having a combined capacity of not less than 750 gallons per minute.
(3) When a tank which supplies a standpipe is also used for ordinary house supply and is located at the required height, the inlet to the house supply pipe shall be placed at a height above the bottom of the tank to reserve for fire purposes not less than the quantity of water herein specified for such purposes.
(4) When the pressure on an outlet exceeds fifty pounds per square inch, an approved adjustable reducer or regulator shall be used to maintain a pressure of approximately fifty pounds per square inch on discharge side with a flow of 200 gallons per minute through the hose and nozzle.
(g) Pumps to Standpipe System.
(1) In buildings exceeding 10,000 square feet in area, unless the required water supply is furnished by an automatic pump of the capacity prescribed in this section, fire pumps approved by the Fire Chief shall be installed in addition to the water supply that is provided and permanently connected to the required standpipe systems.
(2) The capacities of the pumps shall be not less than 500 gallons per minute for a four-inch standpipe, not less than 750 gallons per minute for a six-inch standpipe or two interconnected four-inch standpipes.
(3) The pumps shall have an adequate source of power and shall be supplied from street mains or from well systems or other storage systems furnishing not less than one hour’s supply at the rated capacity of the pump.
(h) Testing of Standpipe Installations.
(1) Upon the completion of a standpipe installation and at least once every two years thereafter, every standpipe shall be tested in the presence of a representative of the Fire Department assigned to witness such test.
(2) The test shall consist of a static pressure test, with all outlets closed, equivalent to the designed pressure due to the height of the standpipe. Flow tests shall also be made to prove that the standpipe, line valves, check valves and Siamese connections are free from obstructions and are workable.
(i) Standpipe Installation, Requirements.
(1) In buildings hereafter erected, required standpipes shall be installed as the construction progresses, in such a way that they are available for use by the Fire Department to the topmost floor that has been constructed.
(2) After the completion of a building hereafter erected, and in buildings heretofore erected, standpipes and pumps, tanks and other equipment, as a part of the standpipe system, shall be maintained in readiness for use at all times.
(3) Sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire alarm systems and other fire protection or extinguishing systems of appliances which have been installed in compliance with any permit or order, or because of any law or ordinance, shall be maintained in operative condition at all times, and it shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant to reduce the effectiveness of the protection so required, except that this shall not prohibit the owner or occupant from temporarily reducing or discontinuing the protection where necessary to make tests, repairs, alterations or additions. The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be notified before such tests, repairs, alterations or additions are started and work is to be continuous until completion.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
(j) Sprinkler Equipment Required. In buildings hereafter erected, approved automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed and maintained as follows:
(1) All new non-residential construction, as well as all new non- residential additions totalling greater than 50% of the original gross square footage of the structure, shall be required to have a NFPA approved sprinkler system installed throughout the structure.
(2) Except single and two-family dwellings, all rooms and all buildings over two stories high or over thirty-five feet in height, as measured from the lowest exposed portion of the building, whichever is less, which are used for storage of combustible materials, including common locker rooms, but no individual locker rooms within suites, shall be provided with a sprinkler system connected to the building’s water supply. In the case of storage or locker rooms with divided compartments, each locker or compartment shall be provided with one sprinkler head supplied with a water main, not less than one inch in diameter with the main size increased as may be required for larger than average installations, and as approved by the Fire Chief. In no case, however, shall such sprinkler heads be spaced more than twelve feet apart.
(Ord. 2000-76. Passed 10-9-00.) -
(3) The following garages shall be equipped with automatic sprinkler equipment meeting the standards referred to in the preceding paragraph: basement or sub-basement garages housing more than three motor vehicles, and garages located in buildings which one or more stories or parts thereof above the garages are occupied for other purposes when the garages have a capacity of eight or more passenger automobiles, or are used as bus terminals for three or more buses, or are used for the storage and loading of two or more trucks.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.) -
(4) Except as otherwise specifically prescribed, a complete sprinkler system shall be installed wherever specified in this Code or any amendment or supplement thereto.
(Ord. 2000-76. Passed 10-9-00.)
(k) Installation and Approval of Sprinkler Equipment.
(1) Required automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed in accordance with detailed drawings of the complete sprinkler layout which have been submitted to and approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and the Ohio Inspection Bureau.
(2) Sprinkler systems shall be designed to withstand, when ready for service, a water pressure of not less than 200 pounds per square inch for two hours without leakage at joints, valves, fittings or any part of the piping.
(3) When ready for service, the entire system shall be inspected and tested in the presence of a representative of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Defects developed by the inspection and tests shall be corrected before final approval.
(4) Only sprinklers, fittings, connections and valves approved by the Fire Chief shall be used in the installation of sprinkler systems.
(5) Every sprinkler system shall be provided with an outside screw and yoke valve or indicator gate valve approved by the Fire Chief and located so as to be readily accessible, to control all sources of water supply except that from the Fire Department connection.
(l) Water Supply to Sprinkler Systems. Required sprinkler systems shall have at least one automatic water supply of adequate pressure, capacity and reliability as determined by the Ohio Inspection Bureau.
(m) Fire Department Connections to Sprinkler Systems.
(1) Every sprinkler system shall be equipped with one or more Fire Department connections approved by the Fire Chief. The pipe from the sprinkler system to the hose connection shall be not less than four inches in size.
(2) There shall be a Fire Department hose connection on each street frontage or when the building is situated back of the street line, on each accessible exterior wall, provided that when a frontage or exterior wall is less than fifty feet in length, no such connection will be required on that frontage if the required connections are provided on the other frontages.
(3) Hose connections shall be so located as to permit prompt and easy attachment of hose.
(4) The thread of the connection shall be uniform with that used by the Fire Department. Substantial plugs shall be provided on each connection.
(5) Each connection shall be suitably marked with raised letters reading “FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION - AUTO SPRINKLERS”, or when only stories below grade are equipped, “FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION - BASEMENT SPRINKLERS” (or “CELLAR SPRINKLERS”).
(6) An approved straightway check valve shall be installed in each Fire Department connection located as near as practicable to the point where it joins the system. The pipe between the outside hose connection and the check valve shall be arranged to drain in an approved manner.
Whenever in this Fire Prevention Code the approval of the Fire Chief is required for any equipment, appliance or plan, the Fire Chief shall approve such equipment, appliance or plan if he finds that the same is safe and adequate for its intended purpose; otherwise he shall disapprove the same.
All standpipe and sprinkler plans shall be approved by the Ohio Inspection Bureau.
Section 14.6 Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems. (Added):
All cooking appliances such as electric or gas-fired ranges, deep-fat fryers, broilers, roasting ovens, candy kettles, chicken cookers, doughnut fryers and other commercial cooking appliances used by establishments preparing or serving food to the public on a regular basis, including private clubs, shall be provided with a hood and ventilating facilities.
Fire protection shall be provided by means of an automatic fire extinguishing system providing protection above and below the filter area, the exhaust plenum behind the filters the entire length of the exhaust duct, the deep-fat fryers, doughnut fryers, chicken cookers and candy kettles according to performance standards and specifications of the American Insurance Association.
The normal manual control for actuation shall be located so as to be conveniently and easily accessible at all times, including at the time of fire. This control shall cause the complete system to operate in its normal fashion.
All hazards venting through a common duct are to be protected simultaneously. Actuation of the system must automatically close dampers, shut off forced ventilating fans and shut off the master fuel valve or power switch to all cooking equipment associated with the hood; these must be of the type that require manual resetting. Systems installed in any building with its alarm system connected directly into the Fire Department alarm system, when available, shall also be connected into this circuit.
Systems not connected to the Fire Department alarm system shall have a four- inch alarm bell installed so as to sound on the actuation of the extinguishing system.
The actuation switch to this bell shall be enclosed within a locked box and all keys to such box shall be left with the Fire Department.
Plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Bureau of Fire Prevention, the Fire Chief and the Ohio Inspection Bureau, for approval before installation may proceed.
Automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be inspected and full-flow tested with the extinguishing agent which the system is designed for, before acceptance and annually there after, by the manufacturer or his authorized agent, and a report of its test and inspection sent to the Bureau of Fire Prevention. All testing shall be done under the direct supervision of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. A discharge of twenty percent of the extinguishing agent shall be used in the annual test.
If upon inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention any such cooking appliances are found not to be protected by an automatic extinguishing system as required by this section, the Fire Chief shall order the owner, tenant or operator of such facilities to submit plans and specifications to the Bureau of Fire Prevention for the installation of such system and shall order the installation of such system according to approved plans. Such plans and specifications shall be submitted within six months of receipt of such order and the installation of the system shall be completed within one year of receipt of such order, except that the Fire Chief may grant an extension of such time limits for delays caused by factors beyond the control of the person or persons so ordered.
Section 16.45 Storage Inside Buildings. (Amended):
(c) Dwellings and Apartment Houses Containing Not More Than Three Dwelling Units and Accompanying Attached and Detached Garages.
Storage in excess of five gallons of flammable liquids shall be prohibited, not including fuel oil for oil burner service.
(d) Assembly Occupancies, Apartment Houses Containing More Than Three Dwellings and Hotels.
Storage in excess of five gallons shall be prohibited, and limited storage of such liquids shall be within approved safety cans. Storage quantities shall be limited to that required for building and equipment operation or maintenance not including fuel oil for oil burner service.
Section 16.79 Welding in Service Stations Prohibited. (Added):
(a) No person shall perform any welding or cutting operations or use any heat producing torch within or upon the property of any gasoline service station.
(b) The Fire Department shall be notified immediately of spillage or leakage of more than one pint of flammable liquid.
Section 19.6 Indoor Storage of Motor Vehicles. (Added):
In all buildings, other than one-family or two-family houses and garages accessory thereto, where space is provided for the storage of motor vehicles, the following fire protective measures shall be followed:
(a) The lawful capacity of each storage space shall be the number of vehicles which can be stored therein without blocking any aisle or exit. Storage of vehicles shall be so arranged and limited that each vehicle shall have a free access to and egress from its parking space without necessitating the moving of more than one other vehicle.
(b) A sign indicating the capacity as determined above shall be conspicuously posted near each entrance and exit of each storage space, in letters and figures not less than four inches high.
(c) No person owning or being in charge or control of the storage space shall store or park, or cause or knowingly permit to be stored or parked, in the storage space, at any time, a number of vehicles exceeding the capacity of the storage space determined as hereinbefore provided.
(d) No automotive repairs of any kind shall be made in any basement or subbasement garage.
Section 21.3 Permits and Storage. (Amended):
(a) A permit shall be obtained for the storage and use of any cylinders containing liquified petroleum gas which has a water capacity greater than forty-eight pounds.
(b) A permit shall be obtained on all cylinders containing liquified petroleum gas whenever such cylinders are used or stored inside of any building, garage or structure, regardless of the water capacity, except:
(1) If temporarily used for demonstration purposes and the container has a maximum water capacity of twelve pounds; or
(2) If used with a completely self-contained gas hand torch or similar equipment, and the container has a maximum water capacity of two and one-half pounds.
(c) The maximum storage of cylinders containing liquefied petroleum gas with a water capacity greater than twelve pounds, shall be limited as follows:
(1) One or two cylinders connected directly to an appliance per specifications of the National Fire Protection Association pamphlet #58, may be stored inside of a building under construction or repair.
(2) Stored cylinders not connected directly to an appliance shall be kept securely supported in their proper position outside of any building, garage or structure and shall be no greater in size or number than designated by the Officer in Charge of the Fire Prevention Bureau.
(d) Suitable approved fire extinguishers or fire protection systems, odor detectors or equipment shall be provided at all locations where liquefied petroleum gases are stored, used or transported, and all types shall be specified by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(e) Liquified petroleum gas shall not be sold or dispensed as a motor fuel within the Municipality.
(f) All liquefied petroleum gases shall be effectively odorized by an approved agent of such character as to indicate positively the presence of gas down to concentrations in air not over one-fifth the lower limits of combustibility.
(g) Storage or servicing of vehicles using or carrying liquified gas, shall not be parked, stored or serviced except by permit.
Section 21.4 Inspection of Installations. (Amended):
It shall be the duty of the Bureau of Fire Prevention to inspect all liquefied petroleum gas installations to determine if the provisions of this article are being complied with.
Section 27.1 Definitions. (Amended):
(a) Decorative material shall include all such materials as curtains, draperies, streamers, surface coverings applied over building interior finish for decorative, acoustical or other effect, and also cloth, cotton batting, straw, vines, trees and plastics used for decorative effect, including floor coverings, but it shall not include ordinary window shades nor material one- fortieth* of an inch thickness applied directly to and adhering tightly to a noncombustible base.
(b) Place of assembly shall mean a room or space used for assembly or educational occupancy for fifty or more occupants or which has a floor area of 1,500 square feet or more used for such purposes. Such rooms or space shall include any similar occupied connecting room or space in the same story, or in a story or stories above or below, where entrance is common to the rooms or spaces.
* May be measured by folding a piece to five thicknesses and measuring to see if the thickness of five layers exceeds one-eighth inch.
Section 27.11 Number of Occupants Permitted. (Amended):
Each place of assembly shall be posted with a legible sign in contrasting colors conspicuously located stating the maximum number of occupants permitted, the number shall be determined by the square feet of floor area or areas so occupied, and the exit ways provided.
Section 27.14 Overcrowding Prohibited. (Added):
No person, being the owner, manager or person in charge or control of a place of assembly shall fail to comply with the posted regulation of the number of occupants allowable in such place of assembly; in the event of overcrowding in excess of the posted regulation, any member of the Fire Prevention Bureau or any member of the Police Department shall cause such place of assembly to be closed until the excess number of persons has been removed therefrom.
Section 28.3 Smoking Prohibited Under Certain Conditions. (Amended):
(a) “Smoking” means and includes the carrying of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarettes or tobacco in any form.
(b) Where conditions are such as to make smoking a hazard in any area of warehouses, stores, industrial plants, institutions, places of assembly, educational occupancies or in any area where combustible materials, flammable liquids are stored or handled, the Officer in Charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention is empowered and authorized to order the owner or occupant in writing to post “No Smoking” signs in each building, structure, room or place in which smoking shall be prohibited.
The Officer in Charge shall designate specific safe locations, if necessary, in any building, structure or place in which smoking may be permitted.
(c) “No Smoking” signs of approved sized lettering and locations required in accordance with Section 28.3 shall read “By Local Ordinance 1501.13.”
(d) No person shall remove any legally required “No Smoking” sign or smoke in any place where such signs are posted.
Section 28.6 Accumulations of Waste Material. (Amended):
(a) Roofs, courts, yards, vacant lots and open spaces shall be kept free and clear of deposits or accumulations of waste paper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter or combustible waste or rubbish of any kind. All weeds, grass, vines or other growth, when the same endanger property, or are liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property.
(b) No person making, using, storing or having charge or control of any shavings, excelsior, rubbish, sacks, bags, litter, hay, straw or combustible trash, waste or fragments shall fail, neglect or refuse at the close of each day to cause all such material which is not compactly baled and stacked in an orderly manner to be removed from the building or stored in suitable vaults or in metal or metal-lined covered receptacles or bins. The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall require suitable baling presses to be installed in stores, apartment buildings and similar places where accumulations of paper and waste materials are not removed at least every second day.
(c) In all multiple-family homes and apartments where storage is permitted in lockers or storage rooms, there shall be a clearance of at least eighteen inches between the top of the material stored and the underside of the lowest beams, girders or other ceiling obstructions which might restrict the use of fire hose streams over the material.
(d) In all multiple-family homes and apartments where individual furnace rooms are maintained, the storage of any materials, whether combustible or otherwise, is not permitted.
Section 28.7 Handling Readily Combustible Material. (Amended):
(a) No person making, using, storing or having in charge or under his control any shavings, excelsior, rubbish, sacks, bags, litter, hay, straw or combustible waste materials shall fail or neglect at the close of each day to cause all material which is not compactly baled and stacked in an orderly manner to be removed from the building or stored in suitable vaults or in metal or metal-lined, covered receptacles or bins. The Officer in Charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall require baling presses to be installed in stores, apartment buildings, factories and similar places where accumulations of paper and waste materials are not removed at least every second day.
(b) In all multiple-family homes and apartments where storage is permitted in lockers or storage rooms, there shall be a clearance of at least eighteen inches between the top of material stored and the underside of the lowest beams, girders, sprinkler, defectors or other ceiling obstructions which might restrict the discharge of water from sprinklers, or fire hose streams over this material.
(c) In all multiple-family homes and apartments where individual furnace rooms are maintained, the storage of combustible materials or flammable liquids is not permitted.
Section 28.9 Flammable Decorative Materials. (Amended):
(a) (Deleted)
(b) (1) Decorative materials displayed in commercial buildings, schools, churches, apartment corridors and lobbies, or public buildings shall not be decorated with lights. Indirect lights may be used.
(2) Decorative materials shall not be placed in a position where they will block doors or exitways.
(3) Indirect lights shall not be placed near combustible material.
(4) All decorative material shall be fire resistant.
(5) Flexible cords from any electrical outlet or display, equipment or appliance shall not be spliced, tacked, stapled, or fastened to woodwork or walls, tied to or draped over pipes or other supports.
(6) (deleted). (Ord. 2008-05. Passed 2-11-08.)
Section 28.14 Trap Doors to be Closed. (Amended):
All trap doors, except those which are automatic in their operation shall be closed at the completion of the business of each day.
Section 28.17 Basements. (Added):
(a) Basements of individual store units shall be provided with one or both of the following plans of opening:
(1) At least one exterior window or other opening shall be provided at each end of the basement store unit, which window or opening shall be placed below the ceiling level and shall be accessible to the Fire Department.
(2) In lieu of the opening required by the preceding paragraph with respect to the end of a basement store unit adjacent to a street, there may be substituted, with the prior written approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, an opening from the basement store unit to the street level, which opening may be temporarily closed by concrete of such thickness that the concrete may serve as part of a sidewalk but may be quickly and easily broken open by the Fire Department. The dimensions of such opening, the thickness of such concrete and the method of installation shall be subject to the approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(b) In any retail or commercial establishment where people are employed regularly in the basement or to which the public is permitted to have ingress and egress to the basement, such basement, regardless of size, shall have not less than two direct means of egress which shall be as far apart as possible. At least one of such means of egress shall be in a fire-resistant enclosure with a one-hour fire door equipped with an approved fusable link closer. This requirement shall not be applicable, however, to a basement equipped with an approved sprinkler system, provided the public is not permitted in such basement, and further provided that no more than three persons are regularly employed in such basement. For the purposes of this section, the word “egress” means a clear stairway leading to an outside exit, either directly or through a clear passageway.
(c) In all retail or commercial establishments where merchandise is stored in the basement, shelving or bins for such merchandise shall run lengthwise from the front to the rear of such basement and shall be constructed in such a manner that there are no cross-partitions, but only open shelving. Where automatic sprinkler protection is provided, clearance of at least eighteen inches shall be maintained under sprinklers. Clearance of up to thirty-six inches may be required where the nature of the material stored required greater clearance.
Where automatic sprinkler protection is not provided and reliance is placed upon hose streams for fire extinguishment there shall be a clearance of at least three feet between the top of material stored and the underside of the lowest beams, girders or other ceiling obstruction which might restrict the play of hose streams over the material.
(d) No person shall be permitted to reside in any part of any retail or commercial establishment, except in apartments built, designed and intended to be used as dwelling units adjacent to or above such establishments, but in no case shall living be permitted in the basement thereof.
Section 28.18 Fire Extinguishers, Approval Required. (Added):
(a) No person, directly or through an agent, shall sell or offer for sale in the Municipality any make, type or model of extinguisher, either new or used, unless such make, type or model of extinguisher has first been tested and is approved and labeled by the Factory Mutual Laboratories, or Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc., or any other testing laboratory approved by the Fire Chief, as providing adequate and reliable tests and examination. No person, directly or through an agent, shall deliver or make available for use any make, type or model of extinguisher which is not first tested and/or serviced as required by the National Fire Protection Association’s “Standard for the Installation, Maintenance and Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers” (NFPA No. 10 and 10A).
(b) No person, directly or through an agent, shall sell or offer for sale in the Municipality any make, type or model of vaporizing liquid fire extinguisher, whether laboratory approved or not, except for use on a motor carrier as authorized by the law of this State and the United States relating to motor carriers.
(c) “Standard fire extinguisher” means a portable fire extinguisher which bears the label of a national testing laboratory acceptable to the Fire Chief.
“Service man” means a person qualified and trained in the proper inspection, repair, recharge or test of fire extinguishers. “Service,” where used in reference to fire extinguisher, means the inspection, repair, recharging or testing of fire extinguishers.
(d) Fire extinguishers shall be inspected annually and shall be recharged as specified by the National Fire Protection Association. Every fire extinguisher, when installed, shall be fully charged and ready for immediate use. Where an extinguisher is likely to be obscured by piles of stock, lumber or otherwise, a sign shall be installed and maintained which will mark the location of such extinguisher in a manner legible at a distance of at least fifty feet. All extinguishers shall be maintained in good condition and ready for immediate use at all times. Every fire extinguisher shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test five years after the date of manufacture and every five years thereafter as prescribed by the National Fire Protection Association. If the date of manufacture or the date of the last pressure test is not readily available, a pressure test shall be made at a time prescribed by the Bureau of Fire Prevention and subsequent pressure tests every five years thereafter.
(e) Every fire extinguisher shall have attached thereto a tag which clearly indicates the dates of inspection and recharging and the signature of the service man. Every such fire extinguisher which has passed the hydrostatic pressure test as prescribed shall be fitted with a test record of metal or equally durable material on which the following shall appear:
(1) Date of test.
(2) Test of pressure.
(3) Name of person of firm making test.
Section 28.19 Electrical Equipment Sales. (Added):
- (a) Sale Limitations.
No person shall sell, offer or expose for sale within the Municipality any electrical materials, equipment, fixtures, appliances or devices which do not bear an Underwriter’s Laboratories or Factory Mutual seal of approval, or which has been declared by the Fire Chief or an inspector for the Bureau of Fire Prevention to be unsafe for use because of design, construction, wiring or assembly.
- (b) Inspection; Notice.
The Fire Chief or an inspector for the Bureau of Fire Prevention is hereby authorized to inspect any and all electrical materials, equipment, fixtures, appliances or devices sold, or offered or exposed for sale within this Municipality and to determine whether the same are safe or unsafe for use because of design, construction, wiring or assembly. If he finds any such material to be unsafe, then he shall give notice of such finding to the person selling or offering or exposing the same for sale. No such person shall be considered to be in violation of this section unless and until such written notice has been given to him or to his employer or to the person in charge of the place where the article is sold, offered or exposed for sale.
Section 28.20 Fired Premises a Nuisance. (Added):
Any premises within this Municipality wherein a fire has occurred, and where interior or exterior damage to a building or structure has been suffered, or debris created, from such time, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Such nuisance may be summarily abated or the premises condemned for occupancy by the Chief Administrative Officer when he has determined that a hazard to the public health or safety exists. In either case, prior to such abatement, the premises shall first be inspected by the Fire Chief, or his duly authorized representatives, and he shall make written recommendations to the Chief Administrative Officer as to specific work to be performed in order to properly abate such nuisance and to protect the public health and safety, and the Chief Administrative Officer shall follow such recommendations to the extent possible in abating such nuisance.
Section 28. 21 Causing Fire Through Negligence in Places of Assembly. (Added):
- (a) Fires.
No person shall, in any hotel, motel, rooming house, lodging house, apartment house, tenement house, convalescent home, hospital, child care facility or similar place of abode, by any means whatsoever, through carelessness or negligence, set fire to, or cause the burning of, any bedding, furniture, rug, curtain, drape or other household furnishing or fitting or any other part of such buildings or premises in such a manner as to endanger the safety of any person or property.
(b) It shall be the duty of the manager, owner or lessee of any hotel or motel to post the provisions of this section in a conspicuous place in each room occupied by guests in such hotel or motel. It shall be the duty of the manager, owner or lessee of any rooming house, lodging house, apartment house, tenement house, convalescent home, hospital, child care facility or similar place of abode, to post the provisions of this section in a conspicuous place upon such premises.
(c) Report of Fire; Spreading Alarm.
It shall be the duty of the manager, owner or lessee, and of an occupant, and of any person in direct control of rooming houses, apartments, hotels, motels, rest homes, department stores, theaters, auditoriums and other public places of assembly, upon the discovery of any unfriendly fire, or upon receiving information that there is an unfriendly fire on the premises, to immediately, and with all reasonable dispatch and diligency, call or notify the Fire Department concerning such fire and to spread an alarm immediately to all occupants of the building.
Section 28.22 Elevators. (Added):
(a) Automatic passenger elevators shall conform to the following:
(1) A two-position keyed switch shall be provided at the ground floor of single elevator or of a group of elevators. When the switch is in the “ON” position, all elevators shall return nonstop to the ground floor, and the doors shall open.
(A) An elevator traveling away from the main floor shall reverse at the next available floor without opening its doors.
(B) Door opening devices for power operated doors which may be affected by smoke or heat so as to prevent door closure shall be rendered inoperative.
(C) Elevators equipped with power operated doors and standing at a floor other than the ground floor, with doors open, shall close their doors without delay.
(D) When it is considered safe to do so, the elevators not being used for emergency service may be returned to normal service by moving the keyed switch to the “OFF” position.
(2) The return to the ground floor may be initiated by heat and/or smoke sensing devices in the building independently of the keyed switch required by (a)(1) except that such devices at the ground floor shall not initiate the return of the elevators. If so, the switch required at the ground floor shall have three positions. The third position shall restore normal service independent of the heat and/or smoke sensing device.
(3) A keyed switch shall be provided in or adjacent to an operating panel of each elevator. This switch, when operated, shall put the elevator on emergency service.
(A) When on emergency service, an elevator shall be operable only by a person in the elevator.
(B) Elevators on emergency service shall not respond to elevator landing calls.
(C) The opening of power operated doors shall be controlled only by continuous pressure “open” buttons or switches. If the open button or switch is released during the “open” motion, the doors shall automatically reclose.
(D) Door reopening devices for power-operated doors which may be affected by smoke or heat so as to prevent door closure shall be rendered inoperative.
(4) Keys or switches required by (a)(1) and (a)(3) shall be kept on the premises by the person responsible for the maintenance and operation of the elevators, in a location readily accessible to the Fire Department in an emergency, but not where they are available to the public.
(b) Elevators operated only by a designated operator in the car shall be provided with a signal system to permit signalling the operator from the ground floor to return nonstop to the ground floor. Power operated doors and door reopening devices shall conform to (a)(1) and (a)(3) D.
(c) Elevators arranged for dual operation shall, when on automatic operation, conform to (a) above and when in operation only by a designated operator in the car, conform to (b) above.
(1) Each and every elevator cab shall have an emergency light to provide adequate light within the elevator car when the primary power fails.
(2) Each elevator cab shall be equipped with an emergency bell activated by an emergency-switch inside the cab, which shall be activated when the primary power fails.
(3) Minimum Elevator Car Size. Any building which shall install elevators shall have at least one elevator which has a platform size of seven feet by five feet, and the doors, both car and landing doors, shall be of two- speed side-slide type, which the edge of the door frame would be lined up to the end of the elevator platform. Minimum door opening size shall be three feet, six inches wide and seven feet high.
(4) The keyed switch indicated in (a)(1) and (a)(3) shall be manufactured by the Chicago Lock Company, Lock Model #2174-1, Key Model #C-2136. Three duplicate keys shall be provided to the Fire Department.
Section 29.4 Temporary Heat and Wiring. (Added):
(a) Temporary heating appliances shall conform to Article 21, Liquified Petroleum Gases, and the National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 58, Liquified Petroleum Gases, Storage and Handling 1969.
(b) Temporary wiring shall conform to the National Fire Protection Association standard.
Appendix B Abandonment or Removal of Underground Tanks. (Added):
(a) Methods.
(1) Underground tanks taken out of service shall be safeguarded or disposed of by any one of the two following means:
- (A) Placed in a “temporarily out of service” condition. Tanks shall be rendered “temporarily out of service” only when it is planned that they will be returned to active service within a reasonable period or pending removal or abandonment. Tanks cannot be placed “temporarily out of service” for longer than ninety days.
(b) Records.
- (1) In cases where tanks are rendered “temporarily out of service,” records shall be kept of tank size, location, date of abandonment, and methods described in subsection (a). No cutting torch or other flame or spark producing equipment shall be used until the tank has been completely purged or otherwise rendered safe. In each case, the steps given shall be carried out successively.
(c) Tank Rendered Temporarily Out of Service.
(1) With tanks rendered “temporarily out of service”
(A) The fill line, gauge opening and pump suction shall be capped and secured against tampering.
(B) The vent line shall be left open.
(C) They will be filled with water.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)
1501.14 Failure to correct violations
(a) The owner, tenant, or occupant of any building or premises who fails to make a timely correction of any violation of this Fire Prevention Code, after being given notice to do so and a reasonable time limit to make such correction, such time limit being included in such notice, shall be in violation of this Chapter.
(b) If a violation is an immediate life safety issue, the violation shall be abated immediately or within some other reasonable time as determined by the Fire Chief or the Fire Prevention Bureau. Failure to comply shall result in the closure of the problem area and/or building until such time as the violation has been abated.
(Ord. 2013-58. Passed 9-23-13.)
1501.99 Penalty
(a) The owner, tenant, firm, or corporation, or any officer of such corporation, or person whether a corporation or an officer thereof, or an individual of or in charge of any building or premises, or anything in violation of this Fire Prevention Code shall be placed or shall exist, and any person, firm, or corporation who violates or causes or knowingly permits any violations of this Code in buildings or on premises under his charge or control, and any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this Code, or fails to comply therewith, shall, for each violation or noncompliance, be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. Each day of such violation or failure to comply shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 2000-76. Passed 10-9-00.) -
(b) In addition to the penalties provided herein, the Fire Chief may suspend or revoke any permit issued under the provisions of this Code by written notice.
(c) The Director of Law shall take such legal action as may be required to enforce this Code.
(Ord. 1975-970. Passed 4-15-75.)