Chapter 305: Traffic Control Map and File


Cross references

  • Authority to designate traffic control areas - see Ohio R.C. 4511.07

305.01   Traffic control map

There is hereby established a Traffic Control Map to show at all times the Municipality’s current:

  1. (a) Through streets.

  2. (b) Stop intersections.

  3. (c) Yield right of way.

  4. (d) One-way streets and alleys.

  5. (e) Loading zones.

  6. (f) Prohibited and limited parking areas.

  7. (g) Angle parking areas.

  8. (h) Parking meter zones.

  9. (i) Prohibited and restricted turning movements.

  10. (j) Valet zones.

The Traffic Control Map shall be prepared and kept on file in the Police Department and it shall be maintained by the Police Department. A copy of the Traffic Control Map existing as of the date of passage of this Traffic Code shall be attached to and is incorporated as a part of the Traffic Code.
(Ord. 2002-51. Passed 9-9-02.)

305.02   Traffic control file

There is hereby established a Traffic Control File which shall be prepared and kept to date by the Police Department and maintained in the Police Department office. The file shall constitute the permanent and official record of the traffic control designations provided in Section 305.01.

The Traffic Control File existing as of the date of passage of this Traffic Code is incorporated as part of this Traffic Code.

The Traffic Control File shall include the following information:

  1. (a) Type of traffic control designation.

  2. (b) Complete description of the street or area affected.

  3. (c) Number of ordinance authorizing designation.

  4. (d) Effective date of ordinance.

  5. (e) Date proper signs and markings were erected.

  6. (f) Date recorded upon Traffic Control Map.

305.03   Amendments

Amendments to the Traffic Control Map and the Traffic Control File shall be made by legislation passed by Council. Upon the effective date of such legislation and upon the erection of proper signs and markings giving notice thereof, amendments shall be in full force and effect. All such amendments shall be recorded on the official Traffic Control Map and the official Traffic Control File.

305.99   Penalty

After the effective date of any ordinance regulating the control of traffic by amending the Traffic Control Map, and the erection of signs giving notice thereof, any person found guilty of violating any such traffic control area regulation shall be punished as provided in Section 303.99.

Appendix A - Traffic map amendments

Ord. No.             Date Description
1960-481 5-23-60 No parking on east side of Main St. between Washington St. and corporation line; and on west side of Main St. for 50 feet, both sides, at its intersection with Belleview Ave., and 75 feet north of corporation line.
1961-512 5-8-61 Falls Rd. entering North St., designated as stop street.
1961-515 6-12-61 (1) Thirty-minute parking north side of Orange St. from Main St. to American Legion Hall.
    (2) Parallel parking only on south side of Washington St. from Franklin St. to Masonic Building alley.
    (3) Left turn mandatory from center lane of southbound traffic on N. Main St. into Bell St.
1962-545 9-10-62 Meters removed from parts of Center St., West St., W. Washington St., Walnut St., S. Franklin St., N. Main St. and Municipal Lot near post office.
1962-547A 9-24-62 Meters installed on west side of West St. from Orange St. to River St.
1963-556 1-14-63 Hall St. one-way eastbound from Franklin to Walnut Sts.
1963-567 3-25-63 (1) Parallel parking on both sides of N. Main St. from E. and W. Orange St. to E. and W. Cottage St.
    (2) Parking meters on both sides of N. Main St. between termini specified in (1).
1963-574 6-10-63 One-hour parking on east side of American St.
1963-575 6-10-63 Commercial vehicles prohibited on Vincent St. from Bell to Cleveland, on American St. from Bell to Vincent, on Columbus St. from Cleveland to American.
1964-607A 10-26-64 No parking on west side of S. Main St. from E. Washington St. to May Court.
1965-613 2-8-65 Parking prohibited on west side of S. Main St. from 222 feet south of center line of E. Washington St. to May Ct.
1965-618A 5-10-65 Addition of a parking meter zone on:
    (1) South side of Bell St. from intersection of Pleasant Dr. easterly a distance of approximately 400 feet.
    (2) West side of Pleasant Dr. from Bell St. to Plaza Dr.
    (3) South side of Plaza Dr. from Main St. to Pleasant Dr.
1967-683 4-18-67 East Orange St.
    South side, no parking.
    North side, first 300 feet east of Main St., two-hour parking.
    From Church drive to north St., no parking.
1967-683 4-18-67 Miles
    No parking both sides, Solon Rd. west to Bridge.
    No parking both sides, Orchard St. west to Village line.
    Maple St.
    No parking both sides, from Solon Rd. east to Church St.
    No parking both sides, from Walnut St. east to Franklin.
    East Summit
    No parking north side.
    No parking south side, from North St. 300 ft. west.
    West Summit
    No parking north side.
    No parking south side, from West Orange St. 300 ft. east.
    Mill St.
    No parking both sides.
    Philomethian St.
    No parking east side.
    No parking 200 ft. loading zone, west side front of school.
    High St.
    No parking both sides, from North Cleveland St. east to the dead end.
    No parking south side, from west property line of 184 High St. east to North Cleveland St.
    No parking both sides, from North St. 100 ft. east.
    Bellview St.
    No parking Franklin to South Main, north side.
    No parking south side, from Bradley St. east to South Main.
    American St.
    No parking west side, 75 ft. north of Bell St. to Vincent.
    South Franklin
    East side, two-hour metered parking from Washington St. to 50 ft. south.
    No parking from 50 ft. south of Washington St. to Village line at South St.
    Pleasant Dr.
    No parking both sides, except from 200 ft. south of Bell St. on the west side.
    Two-hour metered parking west side from Bell 200 ft. south.
    East Washington St.
    No parking both sides, from South Franklin St. east to Village line.
    West Washington St.
    No parking on the North side from Franklin St. to Church St., except five-minute parking in front of Post Office property.
    South side from Franklin St. west to Walnut St., two-hour metered parking.
    No parking from Water St. west to Church St., both sides.
1967-683 4-18-67 Church St.
    No parking east side, from West Washington St. to Maple St.
    No parking from West Washington St. to 200 ft. south on the west side.
    No parking from Maple St. 200 ft. north on the west side.
    South Main St.
    No parking east side, from Washington St. south to Village line.
    No parking west side, from 150 ft. south of Washington St. south to 100 ft. south of May Court.
    Two-hour metered parking, from Washington St. 150 ft. south.
    No parking west side, from South St. 300 ft. north.
    North Main St.
    Two-hour metered parking from Washington St. to Orange St.
    Two-hour parking from Orange St. north to Cottage St.
    No parking north from Cottage St. to 200 ft. north of Summit St., both sides.
    Solon Rd.
    No parking both sides, from Maple St. south to Village line.
    Bell St.
    No parking north side, from Main St. east to Village line.
    South side, two-hour metered parking from Main St. to the east drive to the shopping center.
    No parking from the east drive to the shopping center to the Federated Church.
    No parking south side, from 300 ft. east of Philomethian St. east to Village line.
    Hall St.
    No parking both sides, from Walnut St. to Franklin St.
    Vincent St.
    No parking both sides, from 400 ft. north of Bell to Cleveland St.
    Cleveland St.
    No parking both sides, from Washington St. 500 ft. north.
    No parking both sides, from Columbus St. to Mill St.
    West St.
    Two-hour metered parking west side.
    River St.
    No parking north side.
    South side, two-hour metered parking, from Main St. 200 ft. west.
    North Franklin St.
    Two-hour metered parking.
    South Franklin St.
    West side, two-hour metered parking from Washington St. to Center St.
    No parking west side, from Center to Maple St.
    Walters Rd.
    No parking both sides
1967-683 4-18-67 Ridgewood Rd.
    No parking east side.
    West side, no parking 200 ft. from Bell and 200 ft. from Washington St.
    May Ct.
    No parking north side.
    South side, no parking 75 ft. from South Main.
    Elm Ct.
    No parking north side.
    Olive St.
    No parking north side.
    Bradley St.
    No parking west side.
    East side, no parking 75 ft. from Bellview St.
    West Orange St.
    No parking both sides.
    Chagrin Blvd.
    No parking both sides.
    Bentleyville Rd.
    No parking both sides.
    North St.
    No parking West Orange to Village line, both sides.
    Columbus St.
    No parking both sides.
    Plaza Dr.
    Two-hour metered parking, south side.
    No parking, north side.
1967-692 8-1-67 Carriage Stone Dr.
    No parking both sides, from South Franklin to Monticello Dr.
    Monticello Dr.
    No parking both sides, from Carriage Stone Dr. south to Solon Rd.
    No parking on the west side of Monticello Dr., from Carriage Stone Dr. north to the center of the cul-de-sac.
    No parking both sides, from Falls Rd. to the end of the cul-de-sac.
    Coy Lane - Applebrook
    No parking both sides to the cul-de-sac on both streets.
1967-693 8-1-67 Designating the following intersections as stop intersections:
    On Carriage Stone Dr. at South Franklin St.
    On Carriage Stone Dr. at Monticello Dr.
    On Monticello Dr. at Solon Rd.
    On Applebrook Lane at Falls Rd.
    On Coy Lane at Applebrook Lane
1967-696 9-19-67 (1) Stop Streets.
    The following are designated as stop streets and all vehicles thereon shall stop before entering the intersection of the second street, unless otherwise directed by a policeman or traffic control device:
    West Washington at Water St. - eastbound
    West Washington at Water St. - westbound
    Water St. at West Washington
    Church at Center St. - northbound
    Church at Center St. - southbound
    (2) Four-Way Streets.
    The following streets are designated as four-way streets and all vehicles shall stop before entering the intersection from any direction, unless otherwise directed by a policeman or traffic control device:
    Water St. at Center St.
    Walnut St. at Center St.
1968-718 4-16-68 North Franklin Street.
    Parallel parking only on the west side between Main St. and West Washington St.
    South Franklin Street
    No parking on the east side, from West Washington St. to South St.
1968-721 6-18-68 Three-Way Stop Streets.
    The following street is designated as a three-way stop street and all vehicles shall stop before entering the intersection from any direction, unless otherwise directed by a policeman or traffic control device:
    High St. and North Cleveland St.
1968-737 9-3-68 One-Way Street.
    Eastbound on Bellview St. from Bradley St. to South Main St.
1969-785 11-4-69 Bell St.
    No parking south side, from the east boundary line of the Federated Church to Philomethian Street.
1970-811 10-6-70 No Parking.
    The following streets have no parking restrictions:
    Green Briar Dr. north side, from Solon Rd. east to Somerset, south side, Solon Rd. to Green Haven.
    South side approximately fifty feet west of Somerset to Somerset.
    Somerset west side from Greenbriar, south to Hawthorne.
    Somerset east side about fifty feet north of Hawthorne Dr. to Hawthorne.
    Hawthorne Drive, south side from Somerset west to half-way around the cul-de-sac.
    Greenhaven, east side from Greenbriar south to Hawthorne Dr.
1971-820 3-2-71 Williams Street
    No parking east side between West Orange St. and the end of such street.
1973-896 3-6-73 Walnut Street
    No parking on the west side from its intersection with Center and Maple Streets.
1975-974 6-17-75 Right Turns on Red Prohibited.
    No operator of a motor vehicle shall make a right turn against a steady red traffic signal at any of the following intersections:
    (1) Philomethian and Bell;
    (2) Philomethian and Washington;
    (3) Bell and Main;
    (4) Main and Washington;
    (5) Franklin and Washington;
    (6) Orange and Main;
    (7) Recreation Center and Washington.
1976-1031 11-2-76 (1) No parking:
    (a) West side of new Elm Court;
    (b) South side of the cul-de-sac of Village Circle;
    (c) West side of Somerset Drive.
    (2) Stop sign:
    Intersection of May Court and new Elm Court.
    (3) Permitted parking:
    East side of Somerset Drive, even though on fire hydrant side.
1977-1071 7-5-77 Stop Sign.
    The following street is designated as a stop street and all vehicles shall stop before entering the intersection of the second street, unless otherwise directed by a policeman or traffic control device:
    Bellview Street at Bradley Street - eastbound.
1977-1080 12-20-77 Left Turn Prohibited.
    (a) For traffic exiting from Pleasant Drive onto East Washington Street.
    (b) For traffic exiting from Pleasant Drive onto Bell Street.
1979-1142 2-12-79 Left Turn Prohibited.
    For traffic exiting from Washington Street, eastbound, turning onto North Franklin Street.
1979-1181 10-22-79 Parking Restriction.
    Parking is prohibited in excess of four hours in any consecutive time period in all parking spaces in Riverside Park, except those on the east boundary.
1980-45 7-14-80 Stop Sign. Stop sign for eastbound traffic on River Street at the southwest point of the intersection with West Street.
1987-9 3-24-87 Prohibited Parking Zones.
    Both sides of Senlac Hills Dr. from E. Washington to Hastings Lane.
1987-38 9-28-87 Load Limit.
    Maximum load limit of 3 tons for all motor vehicles crossing the Cleveland St. Bridge, except for Village-owned snowplows, traffic line stripers and road sweepers.
1988-50 7-11-88 Prohibited Parking Zones. Both sides of Cleveland Street from the Cleveland Street Bridge south to Bell Street.
1988-93 11-28-88 Prohibited Parking Zones. Northwest corners of Hall and Walnut Streets.
1991-85 10-14-91 Stop Signs. At the intersection of Greenbrier Dr. and Somerset Dr., one placed at the southwest corner of Greenbrier Dr. and one placed at the northeast corner of Somerset Dr.
1992-105 12-14-92 The following intersections shall be designated as stop intersections and stop signs shall be placed as follows:
    (a) The northeast corner of Longwood Drive at North Street;
    (b) The southeast corner of Longwood Drive at Wilding Chase;
    (c) The east corner of Wilding Chase and Longwood Drive;
    (d) The northeast corner of Edgewood Court at Longwood Drive.
1994-39 7-11-94 Establishes N. Franklin St. as one way only (southbound), providing that the test striping is satisfactory to the Mayor.
1997-38 5-12-97 Stop Signs.
    (a) For eastbound traffic on Hall Street at Walnut Street;
    (b) For eastbound and westbound traffic on Hall Street at Church Street.
1998-69 8-10-98 River Street.
    Nine additional parking spaces with two hour meters on the south side of River Street.
    South Main Street.
    Five parking spaces with two hour meters on the west side of South Main Street.
    West Washington Street.
    Two parking spaces with two hour meters on the north side of West Washington Street.
    West Washington Street.
    One parking space with a thirty minute meter on the north side of West Washington Street.
2002-51 9-9-02 Valet Zone. The operator of a restaurant located at 17 River Street, so long as the Conditional Use Permit is in effect, and so long as valet service is being provided to off-site parking facilities, shall be permitted to cover eight public metered spaces immediately in front of 17 River Street, for purposes of operating a valet service to the public, free of charge, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 2:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Appropriate covers for the meters shall be approved by the Village Administrator, and shall not be placed upon the meters prior to or after the hours previously indicated. The continuance of the Valet Zone will be subject to an annual review and approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Revocation of the Valet Zone Permit will be within the sole discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission. If same is revoked, a thirty-day notice to the operator of the restaurant will be required before enforcement can occur.
2002-57 10-14-02 Stop Signs.
    (a) For westbound traffic on Olive Street at Robens Court.
    (b) For eastbound traffic on Olive Court at Robens Court.
    (c) For southbound traffic on Monticello at Carriage Stone Drive.
2013-57 9-23-13 No parking on the south side of Hall St. between Walnut and Solon Road and no parking on the north side within thirty feet of the intersections with Church St. and Solon Road.
2017-12 3-13-17 (a) Pleasant Dr.
    No parking both sides, except from 200 ft. south of Bell St. on the west side.
    Eight-hour metered parking west side from Bell 200 ft. south.
    (b) Bell St.
    No parking, north side, from Main St. east to Village line.
    South side, two-hour metered parking from Main St. to the Pleasant Alley drive to the shopping center.
    South side, eight hour metered parking from the Pleasant Alley to the east drive to the shopping center.
    No parking from the east drive to the shopping center to the Federated Church.
    No parking south side, from 300 ft. east of Philomethian St. east to Village line.
    (c) South Franklin St.
    West side, two-hour and eight hour metered parking from Washington St. to Center St.
    No parking west side, from Center to Maple St.
    (d) South Main St.
    Five parking spaces with eight hour meters on the west side of South Main Street.
2017-80 11-17-17 Posting a 3-hr. time limit on all metered parking spaces on streets in the Village, except as otherwise set forth in this Traffic Control Map.
    Riverside Park. Parking is permitted all day except the four (4) metered thirty (30) minute parking spaces in Riverside Park, to the south of the Cuffs Clothing Store and to the east of the Chagrin Hardware Store, being the four (4) closest to the Chagrin Hardware Store, and the remaining five (5) metered spaces east of the Chagrin Hardware Store shall have a three hour time limit.
2018-62 9-2-18 (a) Stop Sign.
    Add a stop sign on Bell Street, for eastbound traffic at its intersection with Walters Road, to create a three way stop sign intersection.
2019-20 4-8-19 A stop sign shall be added for northbound traffic on North Street at its intersection with North Cleveland Street and Falls Road at the point where it first intersects with North Cleveland Street. All vehicles shall stop before entering the intersection of the second street.
2021-57 9-27-21 No parking shall be permitted on either side of Low Street.