Chapter 957

Shute Memorial Building


957.01   Administration

The administration of Shute Memorial Building shall be handled by the Council Committee on Buildings, Properties and Services and its usage utilized only by public and civic organizations.
(Ord. 1980-40. Passed 6-23-80.)

957.02   Fee

A fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be charged to all public and civic organizations for use of the Shute Memorial Building for partial defraying of heat, light and cleaning expenses.
(Ord. 1993-33. Passed 4-12-93; Ord. 2005-28. Passed 6-13-05.)

957.03   Regulations

The following regulations shall apply to all organizations using the building:

  1. (a) Alcoholic beverage usage is prohibited.

  2. (b) Meeting rooms will be left in a neat and orderly fashion.

  3. (c) One member of each organization shall be held responsible for notifying the Police Department of both opening and departure from the hall.

  4. (d) Users shall be responsible for setting up and taking down tables and chairs.

  5. (e) Smoking is prohibited by any individual inside the Shute Memorial Building.
    (Ord. 1992-63. Passed 7-13-92.)

957.04   Application information

All requests for the use of the building shall be by written application made to the Finance Department and shall include the following information:

  1. (a) Name of organization;

  2. (b) Purpose of use of building;

  3. (c) Date to be used;

  4. (d) Person in charge;

  5. (e) Telephone number;

  6. (f) Number in organization; and

  7. (g) Estimated attendance.
    (Ord. 1980-40. Passed 6-23-80.)