Ordinance 2022-51

An Ordinance Amending Codified Ordinance Section 124.23(A) and Codified Ordinance 953.031(M) to Correct Typographical Errors

  • Introduced by: Subel
  • 1st Reading (09/12/2022)
  • Passed (09/12/2022)

Whereas, when certain Ordinances were adopted in the past or when codification occurred certain typographical errors were made including one each in Codified Ordinance Sections 124.23(A) and 953.031(m); and

Whereas, the Council for the Village of Chagrin Falls has determined that it should correct the typographical errors, and direct the Walter H. Drane Company to correct typographical errors made by the codifier.

Now Therefore, Be It Ordained by the Council of the Village of Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio:

Section 1. Section 124.23(A) of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Chagrin Falls is hereby amended to change the reference of June 31st to June 30th, and the remainder of Section 124.23(A) shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. There is no June 31st and therefore Section 124.23(A) is hereby corrected to reflect such scrivener’s error.

Section 2. Section 953.031(m) of the Codified Ordinances is hereby amended by changing the word “plat” to the word “plate” to correct a typographical error. The remainder of 953.031(m) shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect, and the change is made to correct a typographical error in such subsection.

Section 3. Walter H. Drane Company is hereby directed to correct errors made during the publication and codification of the following Codified Ordinances by making the following changes:

  1. (a) Section 136.01 of the Codified Ordinances shall be corrected in the last sentence thereof by changing the reference to “municipal officer” to the phrase “municipal office”.

  2. (b) Section 351.17 of the Codified Ordinances shall be corrected by re-lettering subsection 351.17(d) as Section 351.17(c).

Section 4. That actions of this Council concerning and relating to the passage of this legislation were adopted in lawful meetings of this Council and that all deliberations of this Council and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in compliance with all legal requirements, including Chapter 114 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Chagrin Falls.

Section 5. That in accordance with Section 113.01 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Chagrin Falls, public notice of this Ordinance shall be given by posting a copy thereof for not less than fifteen (15) days in the Village Hall.

Section 6. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law.