Ordinance 2024-43

An Ordinance Amending Section 149.02 of the Codified Ordinances and Revising the Clothing Allowance for Police and Fire Department Members and the Maintenance Allowance for Fire Department Members and Declaring an Emergency.

  • Introduced by: Gutierrez
  • 1st Reading (08/12/2024)
  • Passed (08/12/2024)

Whereas, the Village of Chagrin Falls has determined that their criteria for maintenance and clothing allowance for Police Officers and the Fire Chief and Fire Prevention Officer needs to be revised.

Now Therefore, Be It Ordained by the Council of the Village of Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio:

Section 1. Codified Ordinance 149.02, the full text of which follows is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows:

  1. (a) Every regular member of the Police Department and every part-time member of the Police Department who works on a regularly scheduled basis shall wear such uniforms or clothing as directed and approved by the Chief of Police.

  2. (b) The Fire Chief and Fire Prevention Officer shall be issued an initial uniform upon hire and shall then receive a clothing and uniform maintenance allowance each calendar year thereafter.

  3. (c) Police and Fire Department maintenance and clothing allowances shall, beginning January 1, 2024, be as follows:

    Position Maintenance Allowance Per Year Clothing Allowance Per Calendar Year
    Full time police member
    Employed with the Village for more than 1 year
    $100.00 $1,200.00
    New police hires
    (during first year of service)
    Pursuant to subsection (e) below. Pursuant to subsection (e) below.
    Part time police members
    (working at least 24 hours per week regularly)
    $100.00 $800.00
    Part time police members
    (working less than 24 hours per week regularly after having served a minimum of 144 hours in the preceding 12 months, or if they have been working less than a year, at least a minimum of 12 hours per month for each month in which they have been employed less than a year)
    $40.00 $500.00
    Part time Police Clerk $40.00 $300.00
    Full time Police Clerk/Administrative Assistant $70.00 $600.00
    Fire Chief $100.00 $800.00
    Fire Prevention Officer $100.00 $1,200.00
  4. (d) New hires who separate from the service of the Police Department for any reason, except termination, within their first year, shall reimburse the Village for the cost of the initial uniform furnished to them.

  5. (e) A list of uniform apparel and other gear required for one police officer shall be approved by the Mayor and kept in the office of the Police Department. The Village shall issue an initial uniform, complete with all of the apparel and other gear required and included on the list approved by the Mayor, to each new police hire.

  6. (f) An employee shall receive only one maintenance allowance per year.

Section 2. Existing Section 149.02 of the Codified Ordinances the full text which follows is hereby repealed:

  1. (a) Every regular member of the Police Department and every part-time member of the Police Department who works on a regularly scheduled basis shall wear such uniforms or clothing as directed and approved by the Chief of Police.

  2. (b) Police and Fire Department maintenance and clothing allowances shall, beginning January 1, 202, be as follows:

    Position Maintenance Allowance Per Year Clothing Allowance Per Calendar Year
    Full time police member
    Employed with the Village for more than 1 year
    $100.00 $600.00
    New police hires
    (during first year of service)
    Pursuant to subsection (e) below. Pursuant to subsection (e) below.
    Part time policemembers
    (working at least 24 hours per week regularly)
    $100.00 $600.00
    Part time police members
    (working less than 24 hours per week regularly after having served a minimum of 144 hours in the preceding 12 months, or if they have been working less than a year, at least a minimum of 12 hours per month for each month in which they have been employed less than a year)
    $40.00 $260.00
    Part time police clerk $40.00 $150.00
    Full time police clerk $70.00 $380.00
    Fire Chief $100.00 $150.00
  3. (c) New hirees who separate from the service of the Police Department for any reason, except termination, within their first year, shall reimburse the Village for the cost of the initial uniform furnished to them.

  4. (d) Fire Prevention Officer shall be issued an initial uniform not to exceed the cost of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175.00). Each Fire Prevention Officer shall then receive a uniform maintenance allowance of six hundred dollars ($600.00) each calendar year thereafter.

  5. (e) A list of uniform apparel and other gear required for one police officer shall be approved by the Mayor and kept in the office of the Police Department. The Village shall issue an initial uniform, complete with all of the apparel and other gear required and included on the list approved by the Mayor, to each new police hire.

  6. (f) An employee shall receive only one maintenance allowance per year.

Section 3. As amended, Section 149.02 of the Codified Ordinances with strikeouts for deletions and underlining for additions, reads in its entirety as follows:

  1. (a) Every regular member of the Police Department and every part-time member of the Police Department who works on a regularly scheduled basis shall wear such uniforms or clothing as directed and approved by the Chief of Police.

  2. (b) Fire Chief and Fire Prevention Officer shall be issued an initial uniform upon hire and shall then receive a clothing and uniform maintenance allowance each calendar year thereafter.

  3. (bc) Police and Fire Department maintenance and clothing allowances shall, beginning January 1, 2024, be as follows:

    Position Maintenance Allowance Per Year Clothing Allowance Per Calendar Year
    Full time police member
    Employed with the Village for more than 1 year
    $100.00 $6001,200 .00
    New police hires
    (during first year of service)
    Pursuant to subsection (e) below. Pursuant to subsection (e) below.
    Part time police members
    (working at least 24 hours per week regularly)
    $100.00 $600800.00
    Part time police members
    (working less than 24 hours per week regularly after having served a minimum of 144 hours in the preceding 12 months, or if they have been working less than a year, at least a minimum of 12 hours per month for each month in which they have been employed less than a year)
    $40.00 $260500.00
    Part time police clerkPolice Clerk $40.00 $150300.00
    Full time police clerkPolice Clerk/Administrative Assistant $70.00 $380600.00
    Fire Chief $100.00 $150800.00
    Fire Prevention Officer $100.00 $1,200.00
  4. (cd) New hirees who separate from the service of the Police Department for any reason, except termination, within their first year, shall reimburse the Village for the cost of the initial uniform furnished to them.

  5. (d) Fire Prevention Officer shall be issued an initial uniform not to exceed the cost of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175.00). Each Fire Prevention Officer shall then receive a uniform maintenance allowance of six hundred dollars ($600.00) each calendar year thereafter.

  6. (e) A list of uniform apparel and other gear required for one police officer shall be approved by the Mayor and kept in the office of the Police Department. The Village shall issue an initial uniform, complete with all of the apparel and other gear required and included on the list approved by the Mayor, to each new police hire.

  7. (f) An employee shall receive only one maintenance allowance per year.

Section 3. That actions of this Council concerning and relating to the passage of this legislation were adopted in lawful meetings of this Council and that all deliberations of this Council and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in compliance with all legal requirements, including Chapter 114 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Chagrin Falls.

Section 4. That in accordance with Section 113.01 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Chagrin Falls, public notice of this Ordinance shall be given by posting a copy thereof for not less than fifteen (15) days on the Village website.

Section 5. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of the Village and for the further reason that this Ordinance is necessary as the allowance needs to be retroactive to go into effect immediately to adequately compensate Police and Fire Department personnel for maintenance and clothing allowances for the calendar year 2024 and thereafter; wherefore, provided it receives the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (⅔) of all members elected to Council, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor, otherwise it shall take effect and be in force after the earliest period allowed by law.